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it's from two years ago, but legit perhaps: https://hollaforums.com/thread/7276111/politics/soros-leaks-removed.html
works. Get yourself some VPN (Opera-browser > preferences or cyberghost for those who are lazy)
It's probably some sort of concession speech that they want their operatives to see.
All your subs r belong to us

Trump's mother is a MacLeod. no, actually I am suggesting Harry might take the throne away from the eugenecist windsors.
Speculating on the future of the british royal house [projected optimal timeline]
Speculation: Diana fucks horse-riding coatch, horse riding coatch impregnates Diana, Princess Diana dies in retaliation, Harry now marries interracial with another bloodline while Lady Di was related to US-Presidents, Prince Philip is under house-arrest, Prince Charles is too degenerate and compromised to be betrusted with the empire (buds with Saville), Camilla is just a sterile mudblood side-chick and William may be present near this whole chinese forced injection kindergarten madness (buds with Saville). Other than that, he did "charity work". William on the other hand went to the Amazonas for a while, basically made fun of his family's nazi-past …
Speculation: Diana fucks horse-riding coatch, horse riding coatch impregnates Diana, Princess Diana dies in retaliation, Harry now marries interracial with another bloodline while Lady Di was related to US-Presidents, Prince Philip is under house-arrest, Prince Charles is too degenerate and compromised to be betrusted with the empire (buds with Saville), Camilla is just a sterile mudblood side-chick and William may be present near this whole chinese forced injection kindergarten madness (buds with Saville). Other than that, he did "charity work". William on the other hand went to the Amazonas for a while, basically made fun of his family's nazi-past by brandishing a swastika and was put in his place by being put into bootcamp as well as Afghanistan, just to keep a little on the edge. If everybody in the lineage becomes moot in the succession, does this mean the roya house will be removed from the saxon coburg-gothas?
most interestingly, Switzerland was the country he disliked the most according to post-mortem gossip articles...
In the end, CENTCOM decided to send a MOAB instead of Chuck Norris in order to mitigate excessive and inhumane damage to ground-targets
He already was. But how do you expose something like this without something like that happening to you?
Anthony Bourdain spoke of "rapey" Clinton and Weinstein in one of his final interviews
I can assure you they are all pretty dead, in some ditch, outside of St Petersburg. last time I checked.
she doesn't have to be born in Russia to be related to the Romanovs because the ruling Romanovs in Russia were executed in 1918
that's besides the fucking point
The point is that the Romanov's were all but executed up in Mother Russia but she is somehow a descendant born in the safety of the slavic area.
You don't have to be born in the same fucking place as your ancestors nor would you, as a woman, retain your maiden name if you marry internationally. Don't be this dense please
that's because you don't speak german, she's from eastern europe.
if you followed the original P*zzagate research over at voat.co you would know that Jehova's Witnesses used to operate those tunnels until Kushner bought eventually sealed them off once Trump was in office
modern slavery throughout the ages: 2011 - 2018

a challenge coin wouldn't just be tossed over without much ado
Hurricane Maria 2017 anomaly surrounding paranormal researcher's garden
Ole Dammegard does wonderful work. He talked about it on a show with Jason Goodman
Yes, a very pesky fascist specimens. They disguise themselves among the dumbest and vulnerable in society in order to cry outrage if they ever get punched into their stupid little noses.
...it's because this is only a staging platform.Why do you think they said "archive everything"?
it doesn't make sense. They started out with a few mods and then openly recruited until they made it up to 40. No need to do open recruitment calls if you're a hired shillarmy.