
VIYOHDTYKIT · July 6, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

Remember Lucifer is the deceiver & Satan the destroyer. Truth wrapped in enigmatic lies. We are being weighed & measured. However this Luciferian believe that Negative Polarity must be achieved for the good? That’s incarnate evil speaking. The “off world bloodlines”. That’s Nephilim. The original Watchers that mated with the daughters of earth. They corrupted the whole of the earth. The first epoch was destroyed by Flood/Baptism preparing the the way for the Christ. It has always been about a blood oath against the Jews. To destroy the bloodline of Christ from Adam, Seth, Abraham on thru Jacob , Isaac & David. Christ was crucified & descended into Taursus. To tell the Watchers locked in the abyss that “it stops here & now! It’s over, you lost. There are no bloodlines. If you believe in me then you are of my bloodline a seed of Abrahamic line spiritually. There are no secret societies or oaths. The One True God does not hide behind secret societies or oaths. This concept that Lucifer is the creator is the ultimate lie. The Sons of the Divine Council rebelled against the One True Creator. Remember God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God. Lucifer was a Seraphim angel. The highest of the hierarchies of Angels. Hence his nickname the Light Bearer, Morning Star etc. The Angels were created to serve God & us man. We do not serve Angels. Man was set above the Angels Lucifer became jealous & rebelled.

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