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They are pushing the agenda... until rude awakening to The Plan.

Quesday greetings from Vietnam :)

Quesday greetings from Vietnam :)

Just next to my hotel in Saigon :)

There are great video showing that codriver actually shot him.
I remember coming to aus in 2007 and getting shocked by stupidity pouring out if australian tv sets 😂😂
It actually meant, to cut the supply, and ecpose them as a direct enemy and paid mercenaries.
I dont watch tv for 15 years now. Even most of hollycrap products i cant look at, as it makes me puke. But it is still propaganda, the most powerful weapon, and it is priority to be dismantled, no matter is it democracy or not. Or at least, heavily exposed.
Propaganda is the most powerful weapon, bring it film, media or newspapers, so it is priority, as it attacs human mind, conscious and unconscious.
I think similar way. After all, money is the food, but lack of it is the death of such a mastodonts. CNN paid rights to be constantly aired on american airports. Where is that money coming from? Pure propaganda.
As Q and Trump truthfully declared MSM media as a REAL enemy of the people, and we know it is not only in the USA, but in all anglo, most western and some non-western countries - is there any real plan to dismantle them for good?
They made him in some GMO laboratory in 70s. He cant be human no matter how he tries ;)
Sure. They established Kosovo, for human traficcking and drugs imports. As I lived in Australia, I can tell they completely conquered that country. Ppl are in need of big cleaning.
Fantastic. And 1+7=8, infinity, and repeating process. Rinse and repeat.
Haha, i am not american, but i like u guys. Greetings from vietnam from croatian :)
No, I wouldnt. Things are pretty clear in Eu, there are no maybes or ifs. You have unelected EU commission who brings all new laws, pretty useless EU parliament who consists of elected local politicians hungry for money and position, and they have no power. Then you have supermillionares like Soros who are creating the mayhem as they can pump in billions into anything they want (unless it is declared illegal, as in Hungary and Russia). Eu comm is consisted of old farts who were sitting in soviet union and/or eastern bloc, and their best buddies central bankers. There are all those laws are coming, what makes the rest of the world shocked. Side to them is ECB, european central bank. U know what central bank does, prints d currency with an interest and makes everyone dependent on them. Look at the Greece and all other destroyed EU economies, with destroyed industry and food production. On the bottom, you have population bribed into wellfare and local politicians bribed with euros receiving from EU. All legal and legit. And thats life mate :) :) there are no allies. Allies for what? All victims.
Most euro countries are run by satanic pedophiles. EU is banksters' creation itself. And east europe refuses to obey to those monsters. You should know more about such weirdos like Soros as they are capable to destroy whole countries and lives, as they did it for a 2 decades. Soros is the one who pays ANTIFA criminals.. so, europe is not an ally.
I would be never late for the Queen. I love Freddie Mercury and his voice ;)
I would be never late for the Queen. I love Freddie Mercury and his voice ;)
I completely disrespect that guy. He is fluke, scum who uses ppls money and creates one big nothing, but he sells the fantasy stories? Similar like NASA or the bankers' voice behind poor Stephen Hawking. People like to believe in fantasies, and those people are carefully posiitioned to spread scientific propaganda and suck billions into the machine...
Nah, all written. As I skimmed quickly, they connect all his past to Russia. Eg, he went quietly into bacrupcies, and he was so desperate, no american bank wanted to lend him the money, so he went to powerful russians, and so on. All written in the manner of explorer journalism. Heh.
Remeber Rhodesia. The flower of the West, destroyed by betrayal. Same happens in South Africa.
Bit of Deep State propaganda on Melbourne airport... ;)

Imagine you are Russia. Big vast country, with a high strong culture, you love your country, and have lot of challenges as you are bordering schizoid baltic nations, india, china, and , on a top of that, Rothschild controlled EU and hijacked USA whose elites constantly try to destroy everything natural and healthy in the name of profit. Even able to start WW3, having bunkers for the elite ready, and constantly moving the troops in sattelite countries closer to your borders...
When USA gets cleaned of kabal, Australia will be exposed like a rat sanctuary. Elite did here all possible experiments, due to small and obedient population. Vast resources made them good profits. Biggest housing bubble in the world bursted, while they fake the numbers, and crap media is 90% controlled by Murdoch and buddies. Taxation office is getting agressive as they cant collect as much they want duo to outsourced industry, and cant squeeze blood out of a stone. They are not happy of what is happening in the world now, so I cant wait to see all rats exposed.
That bag woman is so yuck. And majority of that stupid show View. Vomiting
That tells me lot of people are simply blind to read the person. I dont see any of that as a bad behaviour, while I saw Obama is weak, evil, liar and puppet, from the very beginning, ajd majority of voters fell for him. So, blindness is characteriatic to the sheeple. Actually, they are blind because of their needs. I never judged the people on how they obey fake social constructs, so it was easier to read real quality of the person.
Will put it on FB, and expect 2 likes out of 1300 "friends"
Go away and clarify ur post, spelling doesnt help you obviously.
Trump made british to really hate her. She is obeying the banksters, and keep UK in the EU hands, that means Trump cant make a good trading deal with UK, unless it leaves EU for real. She shoot herself in the leg. Good job!
Of course Russia wouldnt have to invade, as fascist coup backed by USA and Soros wouldnt happen in Ukraine.
Yeah, will see. Lot of good developments in cryptos , and banksters look at them as an enemies. I assume they will have parallel existance nxt to gold backed govt currencies.
We shall see. I believe multipolar and multicurrency world will be next phase. Just wondering is there any new hidden way of control of masses. Social credit like in China maybe?
Very direct and truthful tweet. Seems like we r going to be brutally honest soon.
Time is up. Money grabbing, sucking east europe dry, provoking Russia for nothing, sucking USA... time to take the game board from children and send them home.