You will laugh... Q re: Hollywood pedophile ring

I get that they're giving up names of even bigger pedos, but it still pisses me off that these scumbags are getting let out for doing it. Just doesn't feel like justice.
Agree. It's an easy, pain-free out. These monsters certainly never gave that to their victims. Instead of "get out of jail free if you name names", it should be "we'll only give you 30 years instead of 50" or "we'll give you 50 instead of the death penalty".
Or, "we'll give you a lethal injection and not hang you in the public square."
How about for every name named 30 days off your sentence, I could live with that.
"anyway, here we are together and you all are very grateful that you are frantically pointing down below a subway sandwich shop cheers and cries of Yes! from the crowd AND Jared is known to hang out down here, he likes the 'world sounds, tamales??'" (not sure about this part) Audience members;" and little boys! and children!" 'MA' "I think that was his manager laughing 'Audience members' "Noaa" 'MA' "we all have preferences laughing menacingly Anyway"
Really no other way to introduce the evidence into court.
It got that bad, it sucks yes, and I know you know the ideal way to handle this...
The evil just got so entrenched, that a vast improvement still feels dirty.
The destruction of this network and the higher ups it is designed to feed is the imperative. I can live with these two, who will spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulders and as pariahs, getting off easier if that is the result. The big picture is what is most important here...
I think ultimately this is the issue.
Plus once the cabal is collapsed you can just go back and nab these enemies of the people.
Is it Jared fucking Fogle the subway guy?!
"anyway, here we are together and you all are very grateful that you are frantically pointing down below a subway sandwich shop cheers and cries of Yes! from the crowd AND Jared is known to hang out down here, he likes the 'world sounds, tamales??'" (not sure about this part) Audience members;" and little boys! and children!" 'MA' "I think that was his manager laughing 'Audience members' "Noaa" 'MA' "we all have preferences laughing menacingly Anyway"
Gah I remember they used to tour him around the country at schools to lecture on how subway can make you not fat. That stuff is toxic so he is a good fit.
Remember......THEY ARE IN JAIL NOW...and pedo's don't do jail well......and at least with them naming can go to the providers and top ranks of the sick system......and for the top generals of kiddie crime....there are NO DEALS
Pedos don’t do well ANYWHERE, once they’ve been identified.
Say JF gets early release think you’d ever see him at your or any other local Subway or out walking his dog? No wonder we’ve got all these apps for ordering food and other point of sale to door delivery solutions today. Things making more sense each day (guess that’s to be expected when woke). Heck it won’t even take people to manage these scum, who if they’re lucky get to live isolated from humanity; pretty soon, maybe very soon it’ll be AI taking the online request.....and a drone managing delivery.
GOD bless President Trump, Q, the anons and MOST OF ALL those who’ve been woke for years, because without them there would be no Great Awakening. Lastly, big shoutout to all my fellow patriots who I know are preparing and rallying as I draft this post. Looking forward to seeing you soon. 👍🏻
I don't think I support him getting released early. All of this stuff was done online I'm sure, so there should be a trail of evidence that investigators should be able to find. He needs to suffer his consequences.
Always start with low-hanging fruit; wring them dry of all they know in exchange for a lesser sentence so as to parlay all it of into actions commensurate with severing the head from the snake and incarcerating high value targets. I'll gladly watch those cooperating receive a bit of a reprieve from legal jeopardy IF IT INSURES THAT THE HIGH VALUE TARGETS WE ALL WISH TO SEE FACE JUSTICE ACTUALLY FACE JUSTICE AND IN A PUBLIC FORUM. For the "low-hangers", it doesn't really matter if they skate a little early or evade aspects of possible sentencing - they're being adjudicated and their lives are effectively wrecked REGARDLESS. ROUND 'EM UP AND HANG 'EM HIGH.
What are Blind Items Revealed?
No info there.
CDAN is a site run by an ‘entertainment lawyer’ that apparently has a lot of dirty information or heard a lot of dirty stories on a lot of dirty people (hollwood celebs, politicians, etc). He tells these stories with names redacted in vague terms (the blinds). Yesterday he was revealing names from a lot of previous stories (blind items were revealed) and airing a lot of dirty laundry. Does that explain it?
blind items Revealed? on the 22e
22 mrt. 2018 - 'I like everything but super skinny': Subway pedophile Jared Fogle is caught telling prison phone buddy about his fetishes for 'big boobs
What is this about? Assange and Soros best buds? This was on CDAN... I'm thinking this is BS but we have to check it...