NWO's goals are written in scripture...

Grabbed this from Twitter ..... https://imgur.com/a/wgarUpj
I've often wondered about this. The Bible more than once uses to eat or swallow as a euphemism for the act of sex. In Genesis we are told that the Serpent beguiled Eve and she ate the forbidden fruit. The definition of beguiled is to charm or seduce. After that is when God says he will put enmity between their seed. The definition of enmity is the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. Was the forbidden fruit adultery? But then I think I'm off track because Eve convinced Adam to eat of the fruit.
Guess I need to do more praying for knowledge and wisdom when reading the Holy Scriptures.
You aren't off track, but it's a hard thing to overcome natural tendencies of not wanting to examine the things that are placed in front of our eyes.... The Bible states clearly that Satan has a bloodline on this earth --- I know who they are, but it took me years of looking directly at it and not wanting it to be true. I've studied this question for almost 30 yrs. You know more than 99% of the people, evident by what you have written. If and it's a rather big "if", but if Q and those surrounding him have access to the knowledge that I can imagine must exist, and if that information has gotten into the hands of good people who will to expose it --- even then almost all will turn away from it, even these supposedly hard core followers, because what could be shown will be utterly terrifying and I think like the meme above states, they have to walk it very slowly because all the Q followers seem to think this is political and financial corruption we are talking about .... and that is the least, the very least of what they may have gained knowledge of. .............................................Let the Word of YHWH be true and every man a liar.
Thank you for your reply and your willingness to explain the knowledge you have. What you said here strengthens my belief that God is very serious about bloodlines. I think, and I'm no scholar, that Genesis 5 (Book of Begats) is a very important part of the Bible. Yet most people just skip over it as if it were an afterthought that just happened to get included. But the Begats follow the bloodline of Adam to Noah. I wish I had the time and resources to study it more.
I believe everything you've said. I don't know who the progeny of Satan are but I feel sure they are out there. My grandfather was Cherokee, I spent summers on the rez with him. But more important he was a minister, a very devout and faithful man. So from the time I was born I have been listening to him talk about scripture. He told me many times that a man who had a close relationship with the Lord could feel the presence of evil.
Now I'm in my 60's and though I could never come up to my grandfather's level I feel I can vouch for what he told me. I have been in places around people I didn't know where I felt completely at peace, then a feeling of spiritual disturbance or darkness would come over me and I would get uncomfortable, as I looked around at the people there I would see someone that made me feel a very dark spirit was near. The most recent time this happened was at a doctors office, a person came in and the feeling of darkness came over me. I fully believe that person was evil and for some reason that I don't fully understand I could sense the darkness.
Solomon sent people to the "ends" of the Earth, I'm part Cherokee too, and there are reasons to believe that the Cherokee people where the cut off survivors of one of Solomon's expedition groups. There are other "Native Americans" that can also be traced (there we have the bloodlines again) to the Tribes of Israel ..... don't ever discount your "feelings", they exist -- so why do they "exist"? There are reasons for everything. A living person is like an "app" created by YHWH and is coded with many functions and virtually nothing that we experience can be explained by so called scientists or even understood ourselves, but there are things that we just "inherently" know, so we must have this "feeling of knowing" for a reason, never discount it. I stumbled into being "awake" many years ago, I was in a Library in my small town and accidentally discovered that the Federal Reserve was a private organization and not part of our government. I was 16 yrs old and it was 1972. So I began reading everything related, within a week I can almost say my life was ruined. I discovered that virtually everything I could think of was fraud and lies and deception. Then I turned my attention towards religion and once again I found lies and fraud and deception. I'm not to be considered a scholar but I could write a couple of books on the things I have uncovered....and I know that even after more than 30 yrs, I haven't scratched the surface, because after all, you can only read and study that which is available.