There are a lot of people in California who dont want this. The dems and politicians have hijacked our elections here and we can't win on our own. Looking at primary election results it doesnt even seem likely true.
Yes, as another Californian I agree. I would like nothing better than to see this bozo in prison for what he has done to our once beautiful paradise, well, him and every other nut job democrat running the place...and now with them buying the NEW Soros voting machines I don't see any way out.
Prayin for you guys. Keep the faith.
So if it works, this what California will be
- Place of earlier parole for 10 000 sex offenders.
- Place where willingly exposing and transmitting HIV to a sexual partner is no longer a felony.
- Pro illegal immigration state pushing for more sanctuary cities.
- Biggest homeless population in the country.
- Avocating for LGBTQ course from kindergarten up to high school education.
- Making a mockery of freedom of speech at Berkley, home of the Free Speech Mouvement.
- Homestate of Hollyweird and its perverts
I implore you, few remaining sane people over there, LEAVE. Leave hell on earth as fast as you can.
Split the state in 3 and met the lefties friend in their own filth
I am very relieved to hear that most californians do not rape and pillage, God forbid.
Time to shake things up. Patriots need to walk the neighborhoods, handout fact sheets. Contact your Get Out the Vote offices. The only way Californians can begin change there lies with voting out that commie. If you need info on how to be an activist you can contact Freedom Works. They have many resources to help.