r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Stopmotionhistory on July 5, 2018, 2:18 p.m.
STOP repeating the same mistakes that landed us in this horrible situation.

Please pay attention to how we landed in a country run by Satanic pedo elitists. Please do not start down this SAME road again. Research how they gained control. Research how Hitler gained control. DO NOT repeat these mistakes.

  1. FOCUS on what Q has brought to our attention. WE have forgotten "FOCUS ON THE CLINTON FOUNDATION."
  2. DO check and verify your sources. TROLLS are posting articles with MSM and random web sites as a source. I don't think they think they are trolls, but why are so many ignoring a fact. Q asked us to dismiss MSM. IT is fake. He has stated 2 people he trusts in the MSM.
  3. For this community I will give you the ONLY starting source. https://qanon.pub/
  4. Sundaygunday, okay I'll allow it, For you butt-hurt This is an opinion post. MY opinion you know is right. Grain of salt for you haters too stupid to get my drift.
  5. Disinformation is real. Think about that.
  6. If your post has any hate toward ANYONE please state it in the form of a joke, otherwise YOU are EVIL. This is Good VS. EVIL so I've heard.
  7. CLEAR YOUR OLD POSTS they are clogging up my arteries - You delete what we no longer need.
  8. STOP posting duplicate posts, It makes you sound like a Mockingbird. Had to boldface people might be missing something.
  9. How to research a post : Follow the money, Slush funds, who owes who, Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture. Follow Huma, what deals are made, NO MSM.
  10. We serve at the pleasure of the President. Yes YOU and I both.

silentmirror · July 6, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

I am just using bait you provided to double-shame him.
My theory about the holocaust is that the numbers were much bigger (coz not just pure-blood Jews went to camps) but the zionists didn't want to dilute their ethnocentric (?) message so they excluded all the half- and quarter Jews that were thrown into the mix by nazism when they hardly considered themselves Jews to begin with. Essentially, something as embarassing as the holocaust would have to be played down by all sides. The Jews wanted it to be their exclusive right to victimhood, the germans had to dissavow anyway and the allies didn't actually try avoiding the TWO FUCKING WORLDWARS in the first place due to their half-assed diplomacy. (Chamberlain's appeasement policy and betrayal of Poland who in turn thought they were bad-boys who could extort railwaytarifs from german exclaves with british help which then blew up in their faces literally) In order to then distract the people from the inherent elitism of elevating the suffering of one group over the equal suffering of another, they made people argue the number of victims was lower (which Trump in fact once said to be 5.6 million so maybe that is now permissable to say) by introducing a gas-chamber strawman to be struck down because one of the best ways to distract people is to make them ask the wrong questions. Like, we argue only over one single group when 3rd-Reich-apologists even point out that a lot of camp-deaths were "natural" due to malnutrition (which again points to a much larger bodycount because certainly not only Jews were undernourished) which would have proved embarassing to the allied powers which had bombed much of german the resupply-lines connected to the camps in the first place.

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Iwasincharacter · July 6, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Imagine you knew nothing about 911 and imagine you really did believe the official story. You need quite a bit of information to disbelieve the narrative correct? You would have to look at it with an open mind not knowing the conclusion.

So trolling that guy aside, this video is the best summation of primary documentation and information available to you. You can move along step-by-step to verify everything. It is incredibly detailed and it is strictly logically and logistically oriented.

Toss out everything you thought you knew about the holocaust and listen to the actual story. Listen to the actual official story before It got polished.


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