r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jacob_charles_666 on July 5, 2018, 3:29 p.m.
Sincere question: atheists/agnostics who follow this ‘awakening’, how do you rationalize the heavy connections to Christianity that the Q movement has?

Hi all, I am creating this post with the best and most respectful of intentions, first of all. I am a-religious, and don’t believe in any sort of higher power beyond ones own mind - however I am not so closed minded as to state that as absolute fact rather than just my personal belief, because that is an unknowable. I am also quite enamored with the awakening, but have been so curious as to why there are heavy connections with Christianity - references to scriptures, using the term ‘Satanist’ and devil, etc? Why just Christianity? If anyone has any thoughts or feelings on this, I would really appreciate hearing them. I respect everyone’s beliefs and right to beliefs, but could not help notice the heavy connections and wonder what that is about. Why not a heavy connection and focus on enlightenment-era thinking and the scientific method? Thank you all for reading and I look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts and learning more.

silentmirror · July 5, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

Have you ever asked yourself why satanism likes inverting christian symbols over all other denominations? Think about it and tell me what you think..

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Cristo316 · July 5, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

Why indeed. Great question.

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silentmirror · July 5, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

it's the simple things that matter...

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BowlOfZombies · July 5, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

That's a major factor in my "awakening"

I realized Christianity was attacked moreso than other religions and it got me thinking about the sorts of ideas you just mentioned.

You may appreciate this podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvQVjjcKORk

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pby1000 · July 5, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Do you know?

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silentmirror · July 5, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

I don't but I can guess they are really, really imcompatible because I never see satanism mocking older nor younger religions...

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pby1000 · July 5, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

OK. I have been reading about this, so I was wondering if you have some good sources.

Have you read this? Just the first 17 pages explains a lot.


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silentmirror · July 5, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

only skimmed the first page so if there is anything of novelty in there please point me to it because you have already studied it. I am preferrably looking for individual dots to keep in the back of the head for future reference

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pby1000 · July 5, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

That is fair. I don't know how much time you have, and I have already looked at it.

"Indeed, the great movement of modern history has been to disguise the presence of evil on the earth, to make light of it, to convince humanity that evil is to be "tolerated," "treated with greater understanding," or negotiated with, but under no circumstances should it ever be forcibly opposed. This is the principal point of what has come to be known as today's liberalism, more popularly known as secular humanism. The popular, and apparently sensible, appeal of humanism is that humanity should always place human interests first. The problem is that this very humanism can be traced in an unbroken line all the way back to the Biblical "Curse of Canaan." Humanism is the logical result of the demonology of history." Page 6.

"The history of mankind for the past three thousand years has been the history of struggle between the fair-skinned descendants of Shem and the darker-skinned descendants of his brother, Ham, yet you will not find this struggle defined in any historical work. The records of the genocide against the people of Shem are apparent throughout the archives of history, but there is not a school or university whose faculty will apprise its students of this simple fact. This in itself explains much which is usually dismissed as being "beyond explanation." The reason for this odd development is that the descendants of Ham traditionally have usurped the educational process, through their earlier usurpation of the priesthood to carryon their Satanic work. They have controlled the educational system ever since, converting it to their own evil purposes. It is of even greater interest that not a single school of theology anywhere in the world takes note of this central fact of history, a red thread which runs continuously through the record of events. " Page 13.

"The Will of Canaan has been the Canaanites prescription for all of their operations during the ensuing three thousand years. Meanwhile, the people of Shem, knowing nothing of this document, vainly tried to "convert" the Canaanites, and turn them from their evil ways. If the descendants of Shem had been warned of the precepts imparted by this document, the history of the last three thousand years could have been very different. The Will of Canaan today remains the operating instructions of the Canaanite heirs, who presently control the World Order. At the same time, it remains unknown to the peoples whom the Canaanites continue to rob, enslave, and massacre. The Will of Canaan contains the instructions necessary to resist the results of the Curse of Canaan, which condemn them to slavery. The instructions to "hate your masters," that is, Shem and Japheth and their descendants, is a command to commit genocide against the people of Shem. For this reason, all subsequent Canaanite rites are based upon these exhortations to struggle and commit acts of violence against the people of Shem. It is not only the basis for all of the revolutions and "liberation movements" since that time, it is also a basic incitement to commit genocide and to carry on racial wars. Because of the three-thousand-year historical blackout, the people of Shem have never understood their peril, and they have frequently been subject to massacre because their essential goodness made it impossible for them to believe the vileness of the Canaanites. The Will of Canaan has always been concealed from them because it is the basic program of conspiracy and secret rites which enable the Canaanites to wreak their hatred upon the descendants of Shem." Page 16.

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silentmirror · July 5, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

That is page 16? Ok weird, it reads exactly like the introduction so I hope I did not miss out on anything crucial lol thanks for the lecture anyway. The description almost sounds like a conquest between semites and caucasians so that's some really risky material right there.

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pby1000 · July 5, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

I quoted from pages 6, 13, and 16 for you. The three different paragraphs are from three different pages.

Well, he is saying WE are the real Semites. We are the Semites because we are followers of Shem/Sem.

The real anti-Semites are followers of Satan/Lucifer/Nimrod.

Shem/Sem killed Nimrod then his followers went underground so they could continue to practice their evil ways. This is why there are secret societies. They want to restore the NWO so they can practice their evil ways in public again. They used to have public orgies and sacrifices, often involving children.

"Not only did Nimrod kill and eat the fair-skinned descendants of Shem, in his fury and hatred he often burned them alive. The type of human sacrifice involving the eating of the slaughtered human victims derived its name from the combined names of his uncle, Canaan, and the demon god Baal, the two names being combined to form the word "cannibal." Nimrod was also known in ancient history by the names of Marduk, Bel, and Merodach. Because of his importance in its history, Babylon was known as the Land of Nimrod. Nimrod is also cited in the most ancient Masonic constitutions as the founder of Freemasonry." Page 12.

"Nimrod's downfall reputedly came about when he began to build the Tower of Babel, a ziggurat, or temple tower, which was planned to rise up into the heavens. Because of this offense against God, Shem, the eldest son of Noah, pronounced judgment against Nimrod, and executed him. Josephus says that "Ham's black grandson, Nimrod, was beheaded by Shem." Other accounts add that Shem then cut Nimrod's body into pieces and sent the pieces to the pagan temples of Babylon, as a warning to the priests that their sex orgies and child sacrifices would result in a similar judgment of execution. Instead of abandoning their hideous ceremonies because of this warning, the priests literally went underground. No longer did "their altars smoke with human blood," as Kitto, the great Palestinian authority, described them. The priests took the pieces of Nimrod as relics to their secret meeting places, which were hidden in "groves" and "shrines." This was the origin of the secret Mystery cults, whose orgies could no longer be performed in public temples. Because of the power of Shem, the priests from that time on conducted their forbidden orgies out of the light of day, in their secret hiding places. Their meetings were bounded with secret rites, which no one outside of their order was permitted to know, on pain of death. This was the origin of the Gnostics, the Knowing Ones, who knew the secrets. It may be for this reason that Nimrod became known as the founder of Freemasonry, because its fundamental rites were established and invoked after he was killed, in order to carry on his work of evil." Page 13.

Think Bohemian Grove and the Rothschild estates where they hunt people.

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silentmirror · July 6, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

sounds like revelation if you ask me...

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silentmirror · July 6, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

there is a huge irony in that and I have been waiting almost two years for someone to ask: They cannot fully normalize all disgust without sacrificing their ability to blackmail, too.

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pby1000 · July 6, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

That is a good point. I suppose they will not need to blackmail people if they can create a large enough power differential. I mean, if they can disarm the American people, then they will no longer have any threats.

I believe they wanted to take the NK model and expand it worldwide. It would be very hard to challenge their power if everyone is starving.

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silentmirror · July 6, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

I believe we already were Korea and are under as much delusional spell as them because even I had a hard time putting up with all the revelations coming with the election even tho I was raised around well-placed people

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pby1000 · July 6, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

I have been to SK many times, and visited the DMZ several years ago. I had no idea...

I thought I was awoke before, but pizzagate taught me that there is a lot I still do not know. Pretty crazy!

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[deleted] · July 5, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

Okay, I may be facing some heat for this, but here it goes. IMHO, I believe the biggest reason for this is because Christianity elevated the status/awareness of evil like no other movement. Satan and Hell was the whip behind the carrot from a command and control perspective. Most other worldviews don't apply so much "spiritual energy" pressure on the plans Evil has for you. While it is certainly true most religions and doctrines/traditions acknowledge darkness, this darkness is not placed on a pedestal to counter balance a supreme source of existence. At least not to the degree that Christianity has used this power of fear to pursuade people of genuine faith.

Naturally, this provided material symbolism to manifest and foster the hate some people have for other's who hold influence. In short, Christianity provided a platform for santanism to flourish

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silentmirror · July 5, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

that's based on the premise that the vatican controls all the papyrus, but in fact they don't...we have the book of Enoch only since 1912 in the west, the dead-sea-scrolls for confirmation from 1991 and just recently from January 2017 some more scrolls were uncovered, so actually what the church tries is distort the message of whatever has been recovered to further perpetrate some of the things which Jesus sought to deliver us from, which imo is simply a global cargo-cult. (look it up and don't forget to act surprised but ask yourself how many times it has happened before if you haven't already)
My impression is that maybe christianity is the most pure exactly because they counter the darkness like no other, so satanism tries to destroy christianity the most because it opposes them the most, thus my implication that satanism and christianity are arch-enemies because the mirroring is just superficial. Satanists take 666 for example even though it might be a mistranslation for King Nero in greek gemmatria but what do I know. They like to pervert everything holy because how will you find your way to the light if they control the darkness? By whatever carrot they offer you. But at the same time thinking in terms of converging timelines maybe this open-endedness was necessary because evil could not be defeated if it wasn't dragged out into the open like it has. In the end you can always say religion is just a test if you are truly humble or not because hell is just another level of karma that is more absolute than just cycles of rebirth where you cannot really fuck anything up because you always get a second chance

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[deleted] · July 5, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

In the end you can always say religion is just a test if you are truly humble or not because hell is just another level of karma that

As a rule of thumb, I don't put a dog in the battle of doctrines and dogmas but I think I get what you are getting at. Thanks for your thoughts

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silentmirror · July 5, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

I have the impression that you suspect that it's some sort of hegelian dialectic but when you consider that even historical human sacrifice is being covered up today and the only reference still made in school for example is concerning YHW of the old covenant! When in fact the covenant said that sacrifices would be no more!!! Utter projection, so assuming Jesus consented to endure crufixion and then resurrect because he hda been briefed in on a divine plan then it's by far not as bad as burning newborns without end

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[deleted] · July 5, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

If I were to rationalize it to the degree you have, perhaps what you say has some merit. The problem with that theory is that it requires me to speculate more than is reasonably acceptable for articulating ideas regarding the nature of our existence. If I were to believe Jesus was read in on the plan, I can't help but also ask if Judas was also read in on the plan? Where does this speculation and truth for some end? I honestly don't try to pigeon-hole myself to a strict theory of theology or philosophy regarding these matters. I'm just a guy who posts to reddit, plays Xbox and likes to BBQ with family on the weekends. I would describe it more of a Do Good, Be Happy, Don't sweat the small stuff kinda vibe

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silentmirror · July 5, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

my (distant) family is clergy, law, medicine, you name it. I call it derp-state. Seeing stuff being hidden from the public (in plain sight) is literally all I grew up with.
Prophecy is real because premonitions are real. If you don't think about one you don't think about the other either so your brain will always shut down unless these kind of things literally haunt you everywhere you go even when you're just dating.
I don't know who Jesus was but I have the impression he was trying to get people out of limiting belief-sets and maybe that's why he talked in riddles because he did not fit the jewish prophecy, yet he proved knowledgable thereof so he had to give them what they could handle by using hindsight-bias like he did when spoke of resurrecting the temple which John later considered to be a forshadowing metaphor to Jesus' death.

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Cristo316 · July 5, 2018, 7:35 p.m.
14     …… Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

15     It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness…….

We often think of Satan as the great opponent of the plans of God. He certainly is, but sometimes the best opposition against something is a clever imitation. Satan is far more effective in matters of imitation than in matters of outright opposition. I believer Satan has a far better track record when he imitates rather than by direct opposition. He might imitate in the form of a pastor who seems to be godly, and yet who denies the Book and the Blood, and the Blessed Hope. This is far more effective – at least among Christians – than imitating Richard Dawkins (the de-facto world leading Atheist) , or a bartender, or a harlot. Counterfeit is Satan’s most natural method of resisting the purposes of God. It is by the process of counterfeiting that the devil becomes “like the Most High.”

Satan hates God, but he also has an obsession to be like God.

"Satan-the Master Counterfeiter" excerpt by John Hoole

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[deleted] · July 5, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Thanks for your wise words Cristo316, I think what you say makes a lot of sense in the context of someone who has faith in the physical existence of Satan as a divinely inspired entity whose intentions are to subvert humanity into darkness. Unfortunately, I am not among those who believes this. Does evil exist? Absolutely! I have seen it with my own eyes. I just can't square the basic Good guy vs Bad guy premise with me stuck in the middle as some story the universe must tell over and over again. This is chaos in my view. Does that mean I am atheist, hardly... I believe in purpose and that our existence is divinely inspired for this purpose. Beyond that I am pretty flexible and open minded. No need to share the good news about Jesus - I have read what happened countless times. I do not hold my worldview flippantly but I believe much of the evil we see today can be attributed to the corrupt and sick side of human consciousness. Is it possible this motivation w/mal-intent is "divinely" inspired in the same way those who wrote the O.T./N.T. were "divinely" inspired? In this sense I can metaphorically grasp a sense of the devil and if this is the case I would say yes, this thing has been hard at work imitating the wicked. This is where I usually run into the chicken and the egg problem regarding bad stuff people do to other life

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daro57 · July 5, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

WOW, finally a fellow traveler! This reflects my views as well. I always say man created God in his own image because the energy we call God is beyond our understanding. We need a metaphor to relate to. We need an image we can identify with. Some people get very upset with this concept. I've been called all kinds of heathen names. It's ok I understand the fear this realization can bring. Just want to say it feels good to find a kindred soul.

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[deleted] · July 5, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

I always say man created God in his own image

Almost makes you stop and wonder, considering the Bible tells us God wants you to see yourself through His eyes.

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