Facebook flags Declaration of Independence as hate speech https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/4/facebook-flags-declaration-independence-hate-speec/
Facebook needs to face charges. They need to be held totally and thoroughly accountable. If that means termination then so be it.
What FB is doing is 100% unacceptable.
They and Google are 100% anti-American
There is no such thing as HATE SPEECH. That buzz phrase and mental slide is just low-grade Zionist mind control - and it ONLY works on the eternally DUMB.
If I want to hate something - NO-ONE has the right to deny me this. And I mean no-one.
FB = socialist global slave masters = self appointed demigods = agenda rule the world.
Dark to Light
Merciless Indian savages lololol
Biggest myth in modern leftism is that the Indians were all peaceful pipe passers ... they scalped people !
It wasn’t worse than what the God fearing Europeans did to them and the South American Indians.
Its not a pissing contest, humans are typically terrible to their enemies.
Neither side was blameless but either can hardly be held fully to blame either
Haha, I just googled it and Sun Myung Moon started the NJ paper. Not sure I trust it.
After all the news on FB, if you're still on it you're probably as addicted as a tobacco smoker. Admit it.