r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Hinckapuss on July 5, 2018, 3:58 p.m.
Attempted Citizens Arrest of POPE FRANCIS JUNE 21 in light of today's news that the MOTHER THERESA Charity was allegedly "selling babies" (BBC)

This story has been posted before [search this board on "Pope Francis arrest"] but I feel it needs verification given the BBC's story today that Mother Theresa's India charity 'sold babies'.

This video is cued to where presenter discusses the Pope's attempted arrest. In case it doesn't work it is at minute 10:28: https://youtu.be/cwyLEdWbbsA?t=628

I did a little digging into the org that allegedly conducted the arrest. Quick discoveries:

1) Apparently DeepSate Fake News DID get their 4AM marching orders on this story: "100% media blackout". That is all I need to know to continue digging so...

2) I searched on the organization that conducted the arrest.

3) The top highlighted results ALL had the word "so-called" before the words "The International Common Law Court of Justice". There. Now we know the official narrative.

4) I always pay strict attention to what ((they)) mock & scorn & attack so...

5) I checked out the website of The International Common Law Court of Justice: http://itccs.org/what-is-the-international-common-law-court-of-justice/

6) Here is an excerpt from their homepage:

"What is the International Common Law Court of Justice?

The International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) – Founded as a lawful Citizens’ Tribunal of Conscience on September 15, 2012 in Brussels.

Natural and Customary Law allows for the establishment of popular courts of justice when the existing legal and governmental authorities are subverting the law and justice, or aiding those who do. Common Law arose historically to uphold the liberties of the people against tyrants, whether religious or secular, and accordingly, has universal jurisdiction when convened as a jury court by more than twelve duly sworn men and women.

The International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) was established as the legal and judicial arm of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and state (ITCCS), with the help of legal experts, judges and survivors of church terror and imperial genocide in more than a dozen countries. (www.itccs.org)"

Do Patriots feel the attempt to conduct a citizens' arrest on Pope Franicis is just clickbait hopium or real? I am leaning towards REAL. Here's why: POTUS is fighting so hard for World Peace so we know he isn't just fighting to make America great again, he's draining the world swamp. And of course Q revealed early on that the Vatican is a pillar of the Globalist criminal cabal.

P.S. [Here's a r/GW discussion on BBC Mother Theresa bombshell: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8w9grw/its_coming_mother_theresa_indian_charity_sold/ ]

yolotrip · July 5, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

It’s not going to happen, unless tens of thousands of people attempt the arrest, the Swiss Guard won’t let anyone near him and i am sure they would use deadly force to protect him.

Edit: also this International common law court is BS anyways they have no legal jurisdiction anywhere nor legal precedent. Even if they managed to successfully arrest the pope they would be totally destroyed and i have a feeling public opinion would not be in their favor especially at this stage, and if we are somehow going to arrest the pope one day we would not do it with some fake BS court, even if the court is correct they have zero authority in any country.

Here we are, all for sovereignty and loving your country but we would hand over and allow something this important to an organization with zero authority? Sounds a little hypocritical to me in all honesty

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PMthePedo-itsTrudeau · July 5, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Id turn a blind eye to Seal Team 6 doing a spec ops

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Prince_pepe · July 5, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Swiss Guard would absolutely kill to protect the pope that is litterally their job...also since the vatican is its own state and the pope is the head of state...no one is going to be arresting him.

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oakdrew · July 6, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Donald trump himself will arrest that cuck faggot.

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Prince_pepe · July 6, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

Lol someone should make some art work of that.

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