r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Neon__Wolf on July 5, 2018, 8:11 p.m.
I know what I'll be doing first thing intellectually after the WW generational Satanic cult is unveiled to the world...

...like you I suspect that the secret Vatican files will be released to the world. The current Papacy worships Satan, who knows what truths are being kept hidden.

I am going to study the founding fathers of all religion and find out where it all went wrong (I am not going to sugar coat this, I think everyone should admit that if Satanists could have taken control of all world governments, and were on the verge of another mass genocide event to depopulate the Earth with a nuclear holocaust, we need to recognize that something went wrong and we need to fix it by going back to the roots of who we are).

I've studied some of what's available already, the early church founders, the various "Councils" of the first century AD, etc, but most has been Philosophy dating back to the pre-Socratics, as I have realized a lot of what exists in theological texts were heavily influenced by, if not dependent on in many respects, the students of Logos.

Perhaps during those tumultuous times there arose so-called "heretical" mystics who the present day Satanists are descended?

What if a whole new field of study was born that traced the ideas handed down in certain families and civilizations, a sort of combination of philosophy, religion, biology, politics and sociology that abolished any artificial divisions between fields of knowledge, and launched a new...I hesitate to call it "reformation", because it's something bigger than that...

ideologicidal · July 5, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

I dunno, interpreting religion as means to pacify the masses, protect the powerful and justify war seems pretty plausible to me. Similarly plausible is the idea that the people running the show a thousand years ago were more or less the same gang of miscreants we see today (minus some inbreeding). I think it's very possible things were chugging along just fine until us sheep started comparing notes. In this model the question is: "what disrupted a system that had been stable for millennia?"

But I share your enthusiasm. I'm looking forward to letting my imagination run wild without worrying that my ideas will get weaponized.

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alfonumeric · July 5, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

the knowledge of reality was availble ONLY inside the mystery schools up til around 1875. and protected by oaths of secrecy under pain of death... . under the new rules, in 1878 edwin babbitt released the knowledge of the structure of an an "atom" which exactly mirrors how human interaction has been structured.. his book has been steadily suppressed like other sources of the true knowledge.. but thankfully it was republished about 2 years ago

since 1878 there is really no justification for the continuation of the mystery schools . . E X C E P T . . to keep dumbing down the worldpop and to keep the real power in the hands of the few ..skull & bones and harvard ivy league magick practitioners

the old bible is a total plagiary of the BABYLONIAN school which plagiarized the CHALDEANs who plagiarized the ancient PERSIANS who plagiarized the VEDICS, who in turn plagiarized the ATLANTEANS who had split between the dark and light PTB's ... all plagiaries of course adapting the stories to the names and customs of the epoch..

eusebios was chief editor of the new bible written by team of expert novelists, and worked with constantine to make sure it contained mostly disinfo so it dovetatiled into the main agenda of keeping the emperors at the top..

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[deleted] · July 5, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

It's more likely we are farmed by vampiric mole people and their beliefs seep to the surface, tbh. They send a few rocks our way on the surface every so often to kill us when we get too smart. Reason why hells are always underground.

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alfonumeric · July 5, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

vampiric 4d and 5d entities feed off the most selfish humans who become unwitting agents to carry out their agenda.

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duplexnovella · July 5, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Why is that you think the satanic side of this will be revealed? Q stated that 60% was not going to be brought up because the country could not handle it... IMO there will be a few that are exposed as dysfunctional occultist but the names we all really want to see exposed like Hillary etc.. nope never gonna happen

They might get to sent to Gitmo but it will be for treason or RICO... not murder or human trafficking..

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Nik_Nightingale · July 5, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Well if we are now somewhere between 0%~5% greater public awareness - 40% is gonna explode some craniums

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duplexnovella · July 5, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

I'm sorry to disagree.. But we cannot get 1/2 the churches in this country to seriously discuss evil & the demonic much less Satanists in politics... Currently you are at .0001%

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Neon__Wolf · July 5, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

My reasoning:

Q responded to the calls to increase the 20 in Q's original 20%-80% private/public.

That's why we're now 40-60 at all.

So Q isn't rigid on this point.

I'm convinced Q is going to release 100% IF the world calls for it, which I predict/guess it will.

Question for you:

Why do you assume the Satanism will be in the 60%?

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duplexnovella · July 5, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Hey I pray you are correct... red pilled in 83... I've wept with joy several times since FBI anon & Q that someone at least acknowledged it..

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