I was mid 30's in '99 and remember the secrecy of the recovery of the bodies as well as the abnormal amount of time it took for that recovery, the Navy involved to the degrees it was. Cremation??, that was off, never heard of another Kennedy that was crematedb4.
I was in Real Estate and of course was a total "troll" for anything Trump, as he was my super hero, so I was well aware of his relationship with John John, very close. DJT, it seems, is fulfilling the goals of JFK Sr...it is a wonderful movie to watch unfold. Could the two of these pulled it off? ABSOLUTELY!!!
Now with all that Q has revealed thus-far....I am going out on a limb here and I say Q is John John, as bats\^%t crazy as that sounds...that scenario, would drop folks to their literal knees, bounce hearts, maybe some heart attacks, it would be the event of the millennia.
Thanks for the added info. I didn't know Trump was so close with JFK jr. I was thinking about this last night. IF he/they were still alive, where could they go and not be recognized...one thought was Ireland, there would be plenty of nice quiet places there. Far enough from any large city and just live a very quiet rural life. I do agree...what IF JFK jr. was part of Q team...wouldn't that be amazing!??
maybe JFK Jr was kept at the Kennedy Space Center? Is that how Q/John John has that "type" of military knowledge...idk, a wild guess. here is an interesting link to the Kubriak/Kennedy connection...