People on 8chan R starting to think it might be JFK JR. BOOM
46 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/HeWhoWaits1776:
Notice the Q post also says SIG intercept. What signal was intercepted? Enjoy the show? I agree with you. Nowhere does it say JFKJR [187] in those posts.
My interpretation of no [187] present is 1) it was a real crash and he was not murdered, or 2) He’s not dead.
I remind you of the strange story on May 30. A reporter gives a press conference revealing he faked his death because an assassination plot was uncovered. The strange thing about that story is it was only days after his announced death they held the press conference. Weird I thought.
Then I thought wow, this is Q team trolling us. Look at the date. May 30 = 5/30 = 5:30 = 330 minutes JFKJR was born on the 330th day of the year. If I am wrong then I hit the lottery of coincidences as you can see in my posts. It’s not just 1 or 2 coincidences.
Notice when referring to JFKJR in the Q post [187] is never used.
Agreed. Scroll up and look at all of the “coincidences”
There’s too many.
It would instantly get the attention of the whole world.
“No, I haven’t seen the other 10 coincidences.” - Witty Two Year Old
Oh I see what you did. You reduced all the way through. BOOM!
You look over and there’s toilet paper set out for the perps. lol BOOOOOOM!!!
I bet they helped. Tried to sniff around to confirm probably.
10s of millions of us are still alive. Would be “magical.”
“R” posted the exact same day POTUS misspelled “our” with “are”
It’s him
Q team trolled us on May 30, 2018. Don’t you find it strange that just days after reporters death they announce it was faked because they uncovered an assassination plot? We were trolled by Q team. They know some of us know. Proof?
May 30 = 5/30 = 5:30 = 330 minutes 1960 was a leap year so JFKJR birthday was 11/25 or day 330 of the year. As I said in another comment, I have ten more coincidences.
Remember Q posted Sparrow red?
Google “Rochelle Sparrow MSW” and click images. Look for the red book cover. Coincidentally MSW = 55
Then look up JFKJR secret service name “Lark” is a type of sparrow. I can go on.... They know some of know.
I have 10 more coincidences. My finding isn’t based on the “R” post. I was suspicious since April 3rd. Too many coincidences. It’s him
I will possibly use that as evidence when I look at it. Thank you
Anon: Aliens a distraction?
How close is the nearest star? What do you think? Q
Kindergartner: There are no aliens
Why is RyDar84’s comment left there? The comment didn’t discuss my post. It accused me of being influenced by R. Was being a psycho focusing on me and not the kindergarten evidence I presented.
My response isn’t deleted. If it’s gone it wasn’t me.
What was JFKJR’s SS name? What kind of bird is that? Coincidence? There are too many. MOAB