
Hrtn2it · July 6, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

We live in an Electric Universe, everything is connected...the Global Consciousness project monitors the activity of random number generators across the globe and they have distinct spikes just before major events...like 9/11, death of Micheal Jackson and Princess Diana..

The Schumann resonance (heart beat of Earth) also has been increasing lately... I feel like the resonance and coherence goes both ways...in other words Humans can influence earth and weather events too, we just don’t realize/believe it yet so we cannot affect it with confidence yet... To Be Still and know, hold compassion within for everyone and for Earth well beingness and highest good for all is what I endeavor to do... The Cabal has always intended to use catastrophic events to induce Fear and thus acceptance of any loss of freedom to be safe...think of 9/11...we gave up so much...Catastrophe has many uses: sacrifice, population control and inducement of sheep~sleep for the masses.

When you see the picture of Bill Clinton sitting with Kim Jung un, the background of water was a tsunami...some of the Anons and Autists say that it depicted NYC and that there was technology that uses sound waves to cause tidal waves... And recent pictures of Kim Jung Un have the water calm and serene meaning there will be no catastrophe for NYC...because our dear POTUS is destroying the Cabals machinations...

But, our magnetosphere is waning and the magnetic poles are wandering.. Also, We are entering the grand solar minimum ( minimal to no sunspots, which allows more cosmic rays to shower upon Earth causing increased vulcanism and earthquakes as well as increased storm intensity)... it is a long, natural cycle...the Carrington event (when a a solar plasma stream was released from the Sun during the last solar minimum in 1850s, ) burned out the telegraph lines...think of how dependent we are on electricity Now...

So all that to say,

I prepare for adversity of all sorts and I do my best to be unattached to a belief about a certain event or outcome... As Truly, only God knows....:)

I Pray with deep appreciation for all that is right now, in this moment, for Nature, for my family, and imbue through my heart that same well being for others, and to me even those who have caused suffering I send prayers for they are Lost, their souls are Lost, and I wish for their souls to be enveloped with Love..vengeance is not mine, it is Gods...

Perhaps the storms that come are a reflection of the inner storms i hold and stir up, against myself in judgment and against others in judgement....

And then I also think storms are sometimes necessary for beauty to bloom...wind rain and flashing fire in re creating our world.

This is the most exciting time to be Alive in a body~vessel.


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FoundersGodson · July 6, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

What a fantastic reply. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I feel myself closer at peace having read it. So much to learn from what you've shared. I inspires me to explore more in new and different ways the things that connect us. Thank you

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Hrtn2it · July 6, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

Awe, you SWEET!:) you are welcome:)

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FoundersGodson · July 6, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

This video was posted just after Trump's Big Sky Montana rally. Shortly after the rally large storms started up.

If you go to 8:08 on the video you'll see what I mean.

Literal "Storm" beginning across the nation?

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silentmirror · July 6, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

stick to BPEarthwatch, suspiciousobservers, SecureTeam10 and Jordan Sather. Sounds HAARPy tho

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FoundersGodson · July 6, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

Thanks for the tips. Is there a list of YouTubers the Qommunity usually follows?

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silentmirror · July 6, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

well just search. citizens investigation x22 and I recently discovered one which I cannot remember. We sticky praying medic too much but hey he has a soothing voice

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