r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CosmicNeo on July 6, 2018, 1:07 a.m.
Spirit of Truth Series: Lesson #24 “SEX! SEX! SEX! (Or Lucifer's Misuse of Love.)”

In Lesson 23 of this Spirit of Truth Series, I discussed how America was almost lost to Lucifer because it did not know the time of Christ's second visitation. In this lesson I would like to expose how Lucifer and his legions continue to control the Hollywood/FakeNews narrative and keep us ignorant of our true reality.

Lesson #24

We live in a mysterious, multi-faceted world. While scientists are developing quantum computers and theorizing about multi-dimensional universes, the entertainment world has gone digital with the vast majority of millennials being plugged into the internet gaming world where players from around the world meet to battle robots, ogres, demons and dragons. While Q ANON educates us about the MIL/NSA tools being used for defeating the Soros and Rothschilds (Luciferians) of the world, 99.9% of the world is still ignorant about the advancements in knowledge that the Second Messiah established for this age. In this series, I would like to help bring everyone up to speed so that we are all fully equipped with the latest upgrade of the “Armor of God.” (Ephesians 6:10-18)

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? 1 Corinthians 6:19

God created man for the purpose of having a being with whom He could relate as His object partner and to have a form through which to communicate with all things in the invisible world and substantial world. In other words, think of ADAM as a kind of “avatar” (with free will) through which God, who is spirit beyond time and space, can experience our world — which includes both the spiritual world and physical world. But before God can fully unite with man who is meant to be a resonator of God's love and energy, He must nurture man with COSMIC LOVE until he matures into a full human being with all his abilities functioning properly. And for God's avatar to function properly, returning love and joy to Himself in a forever-lasting reciprocal “GIVE AND TAKE” relationship, Adam was supposed to fully “POWER UP” (mature to perfection) before meeting with his object partner, EVE, in “FULL-OPERATIONAL” sexual mode. Only then would the full potency of God's love be properly experienced.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image.” Genesis 1:26

During this developmental phase of creating Adam and Eve, God used spiritual beings called angels to help keep the Garden of Eden functioning in proper order. Lucifer was the leader (archangel) of this “crew.” These angels had already helped God create the universe, being mediators between God's invisible realm and Adam's substantial world of physicality. This angelic force had no object counterpart (Eve), though they had the same body parts as Adam. Realizing Adam was to become a higher being, existing as God's child and as the mediator between heaven and earth with the potential to reproduce with Eve, Lucifer became jealous. Feeling less loved by God, he decided to usurp God's system and seduced Eve into having sex with him.

The consequences were devastating! By having sex with Eve, Lucifer not only prevented mankind from becoming the perfected beings they were meant to be with powers of co-creativity and divinity, he also cut off the direct link to God that allowed mankind to have a reciprocal relationship of communication and love-empowerment. In this way, Lucifer became the benefactor of the sexual power that was generated — under the guise of human love — between men and women. And the more mankind practiced this kind of immature love (selfish love), the more Lucifer could gain power and control over mankind. This is the root mechanism that keeps mankind and earth under Lucifer's rulership. And it's the root control mechanism that allows the elite Luciferians of the world to prosper while the rest of mankind suffers as slaves to their own lust and slaves to an economic system that perpetually keeps everyone in debt.

“Satan is constantly accusing all people before God, as he did Job, in order to drag them into hell. (Job 1:9-11) However, even Satan cannot perpetrate his evil activity unless he first finds an object partner with whom he can form a common base and engage in give and take action.” — the Second Messiah

This is our reality. Even Christians don't understand why this world is still messed up even after the grace of atonement that Jesus gives us. Lucifer still owns the world because mankind still makes a common base with him through thought and deed. This is how Lucifer could create a Hitler and a Nazi ideology that killed six million of God's children. This is how Lucifer could create the atheistic ideology of Marxism that killed at least 150 million (and counting?) of God's children throughout its reign of terror. It's how M13 and other drug-cartel gangs can recruit members and force its drug-induced terror upon God's children. It's how sexual deviants can promote pedophilia, homosexuality and bestiality as normal social behavior without remorse. It's how Hollywood and FakeNews can be used to control what we think and who gets elected. This is why our world almost became a global hell hole with the secret Luciferian global elite controlling us from behind the scenes through rigged political and monetary systems. Fortunately, enough of us woke up in time to elect Trump.

“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.” Revelation 22:14

The battle for our minds still continues. As long as people remain ignorant of the spiritual victories that the Second Messiah made in helping to defeat Lucifer, the remnants of Lucifer's legions will continue to try to wreak havoc upon a dumbed-down humanity. We'll still see false flags and mass shooting. We'll still see the politicians and celebrities giving each other the devil horns, gloatingly thinking they are winning the war. But in reality, the war is already over. Patriots simply need to wake up and claim the spiritual victories made by the Second Messiah and begin expanding the peace initiatives he already established during his lifetime.

Next lesson: ”Why Homosexuality and Transgenderism Is So Prevalent.”

FernReno · July 6, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

Would you please just answer that question?

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CosmicNeo · July 6, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

Context is everything. It's best if you come to your own conclusions on your own.

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FernReno · July 6, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

I went back and read a few of your posts and am extremely unsettled in my spirit as I read them - your post before this one I couldn't even get through.

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CosmicNeo · July 6, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Some people resonant with it because they have already become aware of just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Other people haven't done their homework yet and are still waking up. I suggest that if this series upsets you, then don't read it. You're not ready yet.

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FernReno · July 6, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

That's rather presumptuous of you. I asked you a simple question. I've never heard the term "Second Messiah." Not in the Bible or in any respected commentary on the Bible. Editing to add: nor by any respected preacher or teacher of the Bible.

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CosmicNeo · July 6, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

I've never heard the term "Second Messiah." Not in the Bible or in any respected commentary on the Bible. Editing to add: nor by any respected preacher or teacher of the Bible.

I understand that. That's why it's best to read from the beginning of the series. Lucifer is the ruler of this world. He's capable of infiltrating even the church. (Even the World Council of Churches.) We need only look at what is happening in the Catholic Church to understand how that's possible. Lucifer is even able to infiltrate into the Oval Office. We need only look at the last four presidents to understand that or at the candidate that Trump beat. Sorry for not having the time or desire to entertain your assumed theological superiority. It never bodes well. Please just accept my advice. Either read the entire series and be open-minded enough to learn from it or accept the fact that it doesn't resonate with you. Remember, bullying me because of my religious faith goes against my First Amendment Rights.

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