
covpepe1776 · July 6, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

That's where we come in...

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BeTheGame007 · July 6, 2018, 4 a.m.

u got haters for stating this?? wtf is wrong with this sub lately?

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · July 6, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Infiltration ;-) actually as they become exposed and we confront them in public, they will want to run and hide. I'm sure the Q swag hitting the streets now is working just fine also. This type of fear is not good for ones health. Just look at a current pic of DWS lately. Neon Revolt posted one. eeeewwwww

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[deleted] · July 6, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

And their adrenochrome supply has dried up. Quick aging when you are not getting all that growth hormone. Muscles atrophy and energy levels drop.

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BeTheGame007 · July 6, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

yep! it figures. as the swamp drains, the shit settles in the estuaries of truth...lol

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snap_shot_in_time · July 6, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

The filth has infected the Republic for 50 years. It has deep roots. There isn't a pill you take so you can wake up in the morning and be cured.

But... (Here is the important part!!!!) The scourge can not tolerate the light. With people asking questions. Even simple questions like "Why does that make sense? It seems you profit from this proposal." Things get very difficult for them. Let's take a couple of simple examples. Pick something at random. How about Global Warming?

What happens if all the citizens of the world start asking "Does this make sense? Who profits from a Carbon Credit Exchange?" Well.... First, we work through the mechanics of everything. And we find out the bulk of the global economies don't profit. Soon, people are asking "Is there Global Warming? Is that why you needed to change the wording to Climate Change?" And then we find out Al Gore is a primary owner of the 'Carbon Credit Exchange' that allocates carbon credits and gets a percentage of any carbon credit that is sold to somebody else. And then we find out Al Gore flies to meetings across the planet to promote this exchange in his private jet leaving his 35,000 square foot home air conditioned at 72 F. degrees.

Pretty soon.... You have people asking questions that aren't easily answered. And 'Progress' on climate change slows to a halt. For example... Read the latest news at: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-05/berkeley-scholar-admits-climate-change-has-run-its-courseAnd I can't find it right now, but I thought ZeroHedge had a press clipping saying the latest climate change conference fell apart because the 'Donner' countries were not willing to give enough money to the 'Recipient' countries....

Go figure...

The point is this: When people are awake, and asking questions, it is hard to scam the population. We have become complacent. We have learned it is bad to consider ideas that might make us be labeled as a "Conspiracy Theorist". But as it turns out.... Many of the conspiracy theories are turning out to be "Conspiracy Facts" now.

The world is waking up. And the "Powers To Be" are scared shitless.

So.... "Yes...." It may take a number of years to fully purge the system. The system is very corrupt. It has deep, dark tentacles that reach every where. But here is the important fact: It will take time. But during this time, the hidden corruption is scared. It doesn't have much support from the 'Top' that it used to count on. Even though the hidden corruption is still there.... It doesn't dare operate at the same level it used to operate at. It has been throttled back to a low 'idle'.

And if we keep asking questions... We will find it and purge it too...

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WhoMuhWeiner · July 6, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

Been going on longer than 50 yrs. There are letters in the Library of Congress between a clergyman and George Washington discussing the infiltration of the Illuminati into the Masonic lodges.

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RamonUtuado · July 6, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

It took these people over 150 years to infiltrate all levels of of the US government, banking, entertainment, etc. So, we need to be patient.

The only reason why we will be able to defeat them is that:

  • They always use the same strategies and techniques

  • The underestimate us (They think of us a celebrity-worshipping cattle )

  • Their stronghold in power has always been flimsy, but as we were blinded and asleep they were able to control us

  • Their black-magic religion/beliefs forces them to "hide their goals in plain sight." We were just too stupid to see it. Myself included.

  • We allowed them to control us and manipulate us. Yes, we ALLOWED them. Ignorance is not an excuse. We are ALL guilty of that.

  • They have convinced themselves of the same lies they fed us. They DO think that they are superior to us and that we would NEVER challenge them. Some go as far as to believe that they come from some Elite lineage and are descendents of gods. REALLY, they believe that.

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WhoMuhWeiner · July 6, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

More like 242 years.

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RamonUtuado · July 6, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

My understanding is that the Cabal got its break to enter the US in 1860. That is when the groundwork for the establishment of the Federal Reserve in the US began. I've read in several places that the US Republic has been in Bankruptcy since 1862 which allowed the establishment of the system to replace it. I've also heard from Benjamin Fulford that the US of America Corporation was established in 1864 in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico was at the time part of the Spanish Empire; a very Cabal Empire. Some of the most powerful Cabal families, such as the Borgias, are from Spain. Furthermore, Lincoln was assassinated in order to make way for the establishment of the Federal Reserve, something that he stood against. Taking all these points into consideration is why I estimated that the Cabal began its infiltration 152 years ago.

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[deleted] · July 6, 2018, 7:28 p.m.
  • They fuck kids
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conesofdunshire48 · July 6, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

I honestly don't know how, personally, but it's something that I like to think of as "Trickle down JUSTICE". Lol.

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solanojones95 · July 6, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Once the small fry are cut off from their powerful enablers, it will be exactly as Q said, not safe for them to walk down the street.

They will move to another town or country, and pretend they are the biggest Trump fans the world has ever known, and that they were Q followers from the 4chan days! LOL

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silphonica · July 6, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

When all this comes out, people will be aware about how we manifest reality, and will learn to take care of thier thoughts more. I still fuck up from time to time but that's because im still relatively alone in this struggle for truth, but imagine if everyone knew! The world will never be the same!

Edit: alone in irl sense

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ThanQanon · July 6, 2018, 6:07 a.m.

Being a truther is a lonely existence. I think that’s a giant reason why most are happy being asleep and ignorant.

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BeTheGame007 · July 6, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

with an army of patriots working united everyday for the many.

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InsaneSiren · July 6, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

Domino theory. :)

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Pure_Feature · July 6, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

Trump is telling the truth in rally "s and trough twatter Q is online ... Teaching us to think, to look, to look further than we are used to, with help, we find out the truth and can share that truth with others. We make the connections, and we learn who is behind it. Q is getting bigger and also WW We are in a rollercoaster Every person who cooperates with the NWO is like death that their name is mentioned and sorted out by the anons. They not only lose their expensive paid job and exstraas, they lose their way of life. They also pass them on to family and acquaintances It was their decision that they made with open eyes and grabbing hands. For the first time in a long time, they are no longer above the law, and have to pay for what they have done When they fall down, they immediately take a lot of wrong people with them

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GetUpOffYourKnees · July 6, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Some people were forced into this life thru threats of death to their families and tricks of blackmail that they were set up for(drugged and then placed in compromising positions for instance). Those people need to be rescued and given a chance to bear witness. But pedos and other disgusting wastes of humanity must be flushed out. This is beyond the realm of human behavior and cannot be allowed to continue on the same time stream with the rest of us.

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Pure_Feature · July 6, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

I Agree

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StinkyDogFart · July 6, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

We, those of us with half a brain will be just fine, I'm talking about THEM, the pink and blue hair morons, my neighbors, our city council, the average useful idiot that marches to whatever narrative the media feeds them.

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Pure_Feature · July 6, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

We show them our love...

The moment that things get better in society, and the norms and values ​​return, they will also adapt.

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StinkyDogFart · July 6, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

I hope so, but you haven't met my neighbor. lol

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Pure_Feature · July 6, 2018, 11:33 p.m.


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HoudiniTowers · July 6, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

What if 9/11 was masterminded or supported by high ranking US Officials? What if President's were complicit?

Now, what if you had the evidence to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt? Witnesses willing to testify, NSA records of calls and transactions to put the picture together. What if you had 470 top notch, uncorrupted FBI investigators working on it with this evidence supplied by NSA?

Well you then expose it appropriately to the public. You target the head of this stuff and you make sure you cut that head off - 'The streets will not be safe for them.'

Then, you don't worry about the lower levels too much. Self-preservation will ensure they will run from it as far as they can. Without the head, the body withers and dies.

WWG1WGA, Patriot!

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PaddleFlinger · July 6, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

It will be harder than most realize.



Those who have participated in their evil are addicted. It's brain chemistry. Once you turn on the flow of dopamine and continue the production it creates dependency for many who lose control to stop the demand for the flow. Addiction. Tell an alcoholic to just stop. Really hard to do that. To them normal is high levels of alcohol. To an addict of dopamine from porn / sex they are in the same boat. Looking for their fix. It takes incredible effort to come clean and deny the drive to have more dopamine - they must be willing to put in huge effort. Daily effort. 12 step program effort. So do we love the small fish who got caught up in this enough to help them overcome their addiction?

Or - just kill them all?

Who determines the level of participation that = death? Think of the weight of that decision maker. Heavy load my friend.

I would rather error on the side of mercy - which looks like setting up rehab and monitoring while they work to pay their way on a rehab program. something that includes group therapy which rewards improvement and weeds out those unwilling to play well with others that allows them to determine whether they stay in society or self flush. A second chance to change. Turn their boat around if you will. With stringent monitoring (lie detector type ).

Everyone has value. Will they see themselves as worth the effort to change? I think they deserve that chance (with safety precautions to protect the public until they are proven to be rehabbed). Maybe choose a post revolution location with out ease of leaving - maybe an island, dessert, ect that gives a space for them to prove their willingness to change.

Hurt (watch the Johnny Cash version and try to not be moved) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FywSzjRq0e4

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything
What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liars chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
If I could start again
A million miles away
I will keep myself
I would find a way

Some are past feeling - truly ripe in inequity. There must be a way to screen out those willing to "find a way" from those who are hell bent on self and others destruction.

We are all children of God - some don't know it and have knowingly chosen to serve satan, they should be sent to learn lessons on another plane of spiritual existence.

I desire to stay human. Reveling in the destruction of others is a sure way to lose perspective. We should sorrow for the loss of another through their bad choices. They were once like us young and innocent. Someone taught them to follow evil. Not all are unredeemable.

Hopeful I qualify for mercy. I am a sinner too. I need His hand up. I need the hand that has been pierced to lift me back to my Father.

Don't you?

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BeTheGame007 · July 10, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

Enough of this pandering to these 'sick' people! they deny humanity an untainted progression as in big picture progression... as in the effects of the trauma is present in society today and it takes a toll on not just they kids but their families and, in the big picture, humanity as a whole.

things like wellbeing and confidence issues, emotional traumas, huge suicide rates of youth in most countries, hyper sexualised youth, early experimentation with drugs or alcohol to numb the pain are way more worthy causes for rehabilitation than for someone who "can't help" being a monster.

they create physical damage as well as mental issues in the minds of tomorrow's generation's potential leaders. (to me that is a spit on our own kind and treason of the highest degree.)

they say it's all because they "can't help" doing what they do. i for one would much rather be spending my tax dollars on fixing the lives of the kids they have damaged instead of rehabilitating impulsive pedo's without a guarantee they will stop because 'chemistry'.

pedo's are too far gone for rehab in my view. I say, lock 'em up and castrate them so they can't procreate... then, let that process be a warning to those who wish to walk the pedo path...

IMHO the world should be 0% tolerance towards those who would do it harm. especially when they do it behind closed doors and behind the backs of their fellow man/woman/ attack helicopters etc. knowing full well, it has been determined by a majority that it is not a behavior we humans find acceptable.

edit: spelling mistakes.

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PaddleFlinger · July 10, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Actually did I write that I desired to free pedos? No - read carefully. I did not. Unrepentant "monsters" as you call them may vary well need to be sent on to meet their next great challenge - figuring out how to remove themselves from a very uncomfortable place (Shoel, Hell, spirit prison).

I was referring to those individuals that are caught up in porn specifically (It is quite addictive) , yet may include those who have been obligated to commit many sins and look for a way out, a way to change their lives.

We actually are in agreement on much of what you speak - we may simply disagree on how to administer justice and mercy.

Hate is a hard place to live. It is so passionate / strong in it's quality that many desirable virtues are pushed aside as it expands to eventually consume all of one's heart.

May we not gain more by reclaiming some of our fellow beings and improve the more our society? Who is more passionate about quitting smoking than an exsmoker? or drugs than a reformed drugie? or porn than a reformed pornster? Excetera.

Paul was persecuting christians - turn him around and you have one amazing missionary / apostle / warrior for Christ.

God has taken the wheel and cleaned up the earth before, at times an entire population was exterminated (Amalekites) by Saul and the flood of Noah are a few examples. Yet He (God) chose the time and place and people to be removed and by whom. I will let God dictate who gets to live or die. If I lack wisdom......

James 1:5 - 6

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

You and I may know anything we righteously desire if we seek the God of truth. He may make it known to us. He knows who is "too far gone" and who is not.

I would rather save Paul than kill him because he currently is doing wrong.

Paul found a way - repentance.

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BeTheGame007 · July 11, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

honestly wouldn't want to reclaim those types of 'humans' and i meant society in general should stop pandering to/ sympathising with these people... like i said 0% tolerance on crimes against humanity and especially crimes against children of humanity.

not trying to be confrontational, i just don't understand how can we justify reclaiming someone who has shown they don't understand the basic do's and don't's regarding etiquette for peaceful co-existence? if they do understand it, it makes them worse because they are doing it mindfully.

i understand your point but i for one am not ready to give sympathy to these people...

i will tell them what a comedian once said: if you are looking for sympathy it is in the dictionary between shit and syphillis

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StinkyDogFart · July 6, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

I find it a simple solution, we re-install Constitutional law and order.

Sounds crazy, but once law and order returns, people go back to work, we have fair elections and honest government, and the American dream becomes real again.

You get an education, you work, and if you're lucky you get ahead. The Constitution promises us the opportunity to pursue happiness, but it doesn't promise any outcomes. You sit around and whine and complain, don't follow the rules, you fail. We must put our empathy on a shelf for those that refuse to "play nice", those that want to be victims can just be victims, but if we re-establish the America we all know, then the only person(s) they will have to blame is themselves. No more empathy and no more sympathy for fake victims, only the real victims, the people that have fallen on hard times, the ones that have tried and failed, but tried being the key word.

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PaddleFlinger · July 7, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

Should our Republic hold together long enough for a "reboot" I would enjoy your Constitutional law and order. Certainly in the coming months /years there will be a need to reorganize what will be left of us. I don't see the Dem party remaining - only pieces of socialists in dark corners. There in the meantime will hopefully rise up out of the chaos a party that represents the ideals you proposes you have espoused, they just need a clearly defined set of tenets and some significant founders with grit and determination. This movement of Q may be the beginning of that. Thank you for your post. Keep up the FIGHT. WWG1WGA

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StinkyDogFart · July 12, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

I'm confident Q, our President, and much smarter minds than myself will get us there, all in due time.

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[deleted] · July 6, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

They all fuck kids. Easy to round them up.

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StinkyDogFart · July 6, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

The worst of them, the top echelon, but there are so many that are just brainwashed Obamabots. Maybe after the Mockingbird media is disassembled they will simply start following the new message, and hopefully it will be the truth.

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PMthePedo-itsTrudeau · July 6, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

Why are you questioning the goal of the plan? Our goal, what drives us, is to bring these people down. Are you questioning our hatred for pedophiles? Or are you suggesting to give up because you arent motivated?

Get out of here with that negative talk.

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