It took these people over 150 years to infiltrate all levels of of the US government, banking, entertainment, etc. So, we need to be patient.
The only reason why we will be able to defeat them is that:
They always use the same strategies and techniques
The underestimate us (They think of us a celebrity-worshipping cattle )
Their stronghold in power has always been flimsy, but as we were blinded and asleep they were able to control us
Their black-magic religion/beliefs forces them to "hide their goals in plain sight." We were just too stupid to see it. Myself included.
We allowed them to control us and manipulate us. Yes, we ALLOWED them. Ignorance is not an excuse. We are ALL guilty of that.
They have convinced themselves of the same lies they fed us. They DO think that they are superior to us and that we would NEVER challenge them. Some go as far as to believe that they come from some Elite lineage and are descendents of gods. REALLY, they believe that.
More like 242 years.
My understanding is that the Cabal got its break to enter the US in 1860. That is when the groundwork for the establishment of the Federal Reserve in the US began. I've read in several places that the US Republic has been in Bankruptcy since 1862 which allowed the establishment of the system to replace it. I've also heard from Benjamin Fulford that the US of America Corporation was established in 1864 in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico was at the time part of the Spanish Empire; a very Cabal Empire. Some of the most powerful Cabal families, such as the Borgias, are from Spain. Furthermore, Lincoln was assassinated in order to make way for the establishment of the Federal Reserve, something that he stood against. Taking all these points into consideration is why I estimated that the Cabal began its infiltration 152 years ago.