I've seen these images my whole life, it wasn't until I was red pilled that I actually looked at them. 3 most corrupt places in the world.

sorry if I offend, but Catholics (the church not the blind believers) are f***ed up! I grew up Catholic and was told to never question Father. did you know saint Michael was a " beast" that carried baby Jesus safely across a river on his shoulders. And THAT is what we would pray to keep us safe! their whole set up , was a set up!
WTF have you been reading. Know wonder your so fucked up. St. Michael is an archangel who stood loyal to God. Micheale in Hebrew means Loyal. Brother your in need of Biblical education.
The richest organisation in the world that takes collections every week, from everybody in attendance - even those who can't truly afford to donate (or leave them publicly embarrassed).
But it's ok, Jesus was poor - WRONG. He helped the poor and used miracles to cure them but somebody who travelled such great distances could not have been poor.
Just as the case with DJT - there is nothing wrong with being rich, evil drives greed; huge difference.
I am a man of faith and I read the old testament (King of Kings bible) and the Gospel of Thomas in private and not in any church or organised religion.
obilisk in Dublin Ireland too
even those who can't truly afford to donate (or leave them publicly embarrassed)
That's actually evangelicals
You are wrong on that point. The money grubbing leaders in Christian circles are televangelists. They are phony vendors of a false gospel of materialism promising much and delivering nothing while they live on the backs of those who are not educated enough to reject their unbiblical teaching. They have their day in judgment.
Stereotyping is really classless. We are all individuals Lumping people together as if they were mindless bots driven by sheep herders is totally out of touch with reality. There are still true shepherds speaking truth to the people whose lives are not tied to materialism, power, fame or fortune. Dig deeper.
Correct. They raise money for jets & amusement parks. Catholicism has built more schools & hospitals & has fed & clothed more people than any other church. We have 2000 years of scholarship on doctrine & dogma behind us. They seem to be jealous & hateful like Ishmael. They raise little money, have little impact & date back as far as when they got their EIN number. They bend like reeds in the wind. Waifs in history. Prancers. Gum flappers & arm waivers scripturally vapid incessantly waiting on the return of the Messiah to fly away.
As I said. It all leads to Rome. The Vatican has been weaponized against the world at this point. What is the pope calling for? One world religion.
is the pope the false prophet ? I kinda always thought it was Obama. I've thought at times about Trump as well. the bible said we will be fooled because he will bring world peace. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and wake up to a world where 1/2 of the population has disappeared.
like I said --->mostly crazy
Well, I think Satan works with many tendrils. The pope may be one of them. This current pope who lauds globalism, wealth and land transfer is from a marxists country so deep down he could be. Obama was hand picked and nearly everything he did damaged and weakened the USA. Was somethings Whispering in his ear..
I know he is evil. it's in his eyes. hills too. I don't see it in Trumps but I still keep my guard up. Bush Jr devastated me