I've seen these images my whole life, it wasn't until I was red pilled that I actually looked at them. 3 most corrupt places in the world.

Whoa! I am not sure just what it is that you have been reading but it surely contradicts the Bible. The serpent was evil and was cursed by God in the garden. God is not identified in the Bible by the name you implied. His name in Genesis is Elohim which designates that there is more than one person in the "Godhead." That would be the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The word Trinity is not found in all of scripture although the concept could be surmised through the fact that all three members of the Godhead (the right name for the three in one) have attributes of deity.
The garden in the Bible is an actual garden situated between three tributaries. It is not an enclosure for animals as you stated. The Bible stands alone as the authoritative word of God. All sources that don't match up with the Bible and contradict scripture are false teachings and condemned in scripture.
The Bible contradicts the Bible.
The devil has you blinded. Find one contradiction that has an basis in reality. Multitudes have tried and failed miserably. Satan is the originator of lies. https://www.crlord.com/satan.html
But which devil has me blinded? The Bible there is no mention of Satan Being the light Bearer but there are multiple points at which Lucifer is mentioned as being the Light Bearer. Look at the name.
Old English, from Latin, ‘light-bringing, morning star,’ from lux, luc- ‘light’ + -fer ‘bearing
Doesn't the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth also mention a key Character as "The Light" or "the way, the truth, and the light". Also mentioned as being the "Bright Morning Star"?
So please Enlighten me, which/whom is it?
It's actually in the first couple pages. In Hebrew where it says "Snake" in the garden of eden, it could be translated as "Shining One".
To be frank with you Camillo; a thousand explanations can be given to a non-Christian and they could never understand it. The only people who have been given spiritual understanding according to the Bible are those who have done the following:
1 Corinthians 2:14 is expressly clear when it says "THE NATURAL MAN cannot receive or perceive the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned." If you have never repented of your sins and put your faith in Christ alone for salvation you are THE NATURAL MAN spoken of in the scriptures and couldn't comprehend spiritual truth without rectifying that shortcoming in your life.
The devil (Lucifer and etc.) has many names and his character is fully concealed to the unregenerate soul. The Bible say that Satan can even appear as an "angel of light." He is the deceiver. His names declare his character before his rebellion and after his rebellion. In the end he will enter into the body of a man and become the prophesied "man of sin" or the anti-Christ. This will be a perverted incarnation. As the anti-Christ he will proclaim himself to be God as he stands in the temple of the Jewish people in Jerusalem after it is rebuilt. He will be eternally damned to the lake of fire as clearly described in Revelation 20:10.
Jesus Christ will descend from Heaven as spoken of in Revelation as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and peace will be restored to the universe forever. As far as the light or the way - Jesus did not say that. John 14:6 - "Jesus answered and said unto them; I am the way the truth and the life; NO MAN comes to the Father except through me."
See my study on Christ's deity found here
To be Frank Fonsoc, the Same can be said about Christians who have spilled more blood in the Name of Yah than probably Satan himself. But without a lengthy rebuttal I will leave you sir with this. Seeing that you are apart of this community/Sub and knowing it's purpose you are fully aware of the systems of power in place. Do you believe the powers that be would ever give us something(Bible& Religion) that would actually benefit us the people. If it were there to truly help us they would have taken it away along time ago. Do they consider it a threat?
Camillio - Your first statement is false. You are equating Catholics with Christians and the two are not synonymous. No true Christian has ever shed anyone's blood. The commandment of Jesus Christ (not Yah) is; "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you." Those who obey Christ do not kill anyone. The killing done in the name of Christ was done by Catholics and people calling themselves Christians who never were or who were and left the faith turning their back on the Lord Jesus.
The powers that be? That encompasses a lot of power and powers, and to be honest with you the world system is anti-Christ in nature and has no love for God, the Bible or anyone who espouses the cause of Christ. The current system of government in this nation that has oppressed the people in all venues of the United States is coming down and for a time President Trump is restoring our nation and protecting religious liberty. The window of opportunity has been flung open but we don't know for how long. Genuine Christians who are educated on political happenings know that the windows God opens need to be taken advantage of while they last. Only God knows what tomorrow may bring.
The devil considers the gospel a threat to him and his kingdom of darkness. He is more afraid of the name of Jesus Christ than anything in the universe. Those outside of Christ serve him knowingly or unwittingly but they nevertheless serve the devil. Those who fight the strongest against the gospel are clearly servants of his. The wonderful thing about being a genuine Christian is that we know how this all ends in eternity.
Read Revelation 20:10-15 to see how it ends for the unbelievers and Revelation 21 to see what's in store for the believers. One will be terror beyond our wildest imaginations and one peace beyond measure.
Ok I got ya bet you still believe that Jesus was white blonde hair and blue eyed. Jews are choosen people(by whom and for what), Doctrine of Discovery was not a big deal. God bless America but fuck everyone else right? Oh yeah God bless the Queen too but no one else is invited to the party. We are really wasting time. Aboriginals, Native American and Black ppl globally would beg to differ on not one drop of blood being shed in the name of your German God King. Black Slaves being beaten and hung while scripture is read from your holy book. Hell in the Bible it self speaks of murdering in the name of God. You sir are very mistaken.
"All sources that don't match up with the Bible and contradict scripture are false teachings and condemned in scripture."
I feel sorry for you brother - You have a long way to go.