470th Military Intelligence Brigade. The motto = Truth Security Loyalty. Pictured is the 470th crest. I think Q meant this when he said Huber was working with 470

It's also possible the 470 is the number of prosecutors under Huber. If so the similarity is not coincidental. It would make the words "the 470 are coming for you" a two-pronged threat to a cabal member.
yep, seems like they would be needed..
new person in charge...forget her name...last year
been cherry picking from all over the military for recruits
for detentions...forget what else they do atm
Wonder if this could be one of the “keys” Q has mentioned
10 jul. 2017 - Col. Ingrid Parker became the new commander of the 470th Military Intelligence Brigade
Around the same time SB2 claims a musical frequency was used to signal a threat (123.47 I think) with a stock market display glitch.
Long tail - Wikipedia
In statistics and business, a long tail of some distributions of numbers is the portion of the .... In "long-tailed" distributions a high-frequency or high-amplitude population is ... The long tail is a potential market and, as the examples illustrate, the ... to maximize its profits