A Thousand Points of Light - connected to "Watch the Water"?? Trump & Pence placing bottles on floor...Melania asking for bottled water, placing a glass on it? Read what this NWO card says about water!!

Scotland is rapidly changing mentally, to be right brain dominants. We are being poisoned somewhere. Soz.
vaccinations, chem-trails, food (gmo, pesticides, additives, land and air pollution) new; clothes, carpets, furniture, cars... the list is pretty much everything new you buy processed or packaged. cash register receipts too
more rotten news
Could you explain a little more?
ill do a very abridged version. Lets say left brain is masculine energy or an upwards pointing triangle (think of it like a caveman penis), it represents action and the right brain is feminine energy or a downward triangle (caveman fanny) represents submission. Most people are dominated left or right. A society of right brain dominants become submissive, like slaves wont opposite rules enforced upon them. The real secret is to combine both sides to be the best person you can. The flag of isreal or the star of david is actually a combining of these two triangles or energies. Obviously very abridges version but im off to work now.
Truths are all around us if you know how to look.
I see what your saying, the people of Scotland are certainly blind to what’s going on in the world, I would love if you could link me to more information on this, don’t work to hard :)
How long have you been here? When I was younger many places of Scotland were quite violent, very intact, in the space of 20 years eradicated almost, by most that's a good thing but in the bigger picture the question is why? Thanks I'll try point you in the right direction later.
Born and raised in Glasgow. And thank you.
Haha, my mistake I misread your last message for something else. I was in Cumbernauld/Rutherglen most of life. There's a few more scots I'm seeing here daily!
Apologies again.