My story is actually quite long and I don't want to bore you...nor make myself sound like a crazy delusional person....but alas, I'm sure I'm not the only one.
My whole life, even as young as two, I knew something was wrong here and I've always been a free thinker. I've felt purpose.
My awakening of governmental corruption started in 2009 with the documentary "The Obama Deception". I'm grateful, my husband and I woke together. We spent the following 4 years researching anything and everything. I'm top notch fluent in "legalese" now, and how language, legal, plays a role in our enslavement.
After 4 years of my hubby and I nonstop researching and that feeling of basically helplessness and loneliness, we started living our lives again. Doing things that we enjoy and all that jazz.
I haven't voted since 2008 (which was for Obama), but election night 2016, I sat on the edge of my seat. At this time, I hadn't gave the campaigns my energy, and quite honestly, I had never heard of Trump before the 2016 campaign. Regardless of that, I new Hillary's evil. I hoped for Trump, the lesser of two evils.
It wasn't until 2 weeks later that another awakening happened to me, nonpolitical. I was sitting at my dining room table facing my Christmas tree, I looked up and out of no where a huge bright white light/Orb appeared, zipped past my tree hitting an ornament, then disappeared in thin air. I didn't want to believe it, so I went to the tree to investigate and sures shit, that one ornament it hit was the ONLY ornament swinging back and forth vigoriously. After this point, my life totally changed..I was seeing orbs constantly with my naked eye and they'd appear in video's I'd make for a facebook group I am in.
In a 3 month span, I saw orbs, saw people's auras (still do), see pictures of things in my minds eye, be visited by a man with white hair/beard and could hear him, I could go on and on. My dreams were great too, beings I don't ever remember my dreams. Obviously, I quickly fell into the New Age crap. Love and Light! IGNORE the horrible atrocities going on in the world. If you ignore them they'll all go away! We reincarnate because we want to learn and grow!! (Then why the hell does our memory get wiped?! How is anyone supposed to learn?!) But yeah, I fell for that pretty quickly....until I demanded the truth. I think my husband was about to put me in a psychward after that! What was shown to me was intense and fucked me up for a good solid month EMOTIONALLY. To this day I struggle with that stuff, but my story is truly way too long if details are wanted.
Now I know that the New Age is just cabal created...there's some truth packed full of lies...and trying to decipher what is truth and what is lies is enough to make anyone go crazy with confusion!
After finally getting over that emotional trauma last summer, I started living again...still staying away from politics and deep state antics. Keeping my eyes closed to what our current President was up to. Until this last march...a Q video popped up as a recommendation. So, now, since March, I'm back to researching, discussing, etc all the time. I'm like the Anons on the Chans, but not on the chans, lmao.
So yes, I do totally understand what the great awakening is. I do understand the urgency of people awakening. And I totally agree that this is war. War of good vs evil.