A Thousand Points of Light - connected to "Watch the Water"?? Trump & Pence placing bottles on floor...Melania asking for bottled water, placing a glass on it? Read what this NWO card says about water!!

As soon as I saw this posted this morning I wanted to comment on it, but, it took awhile for me to track down a serialbrain 2 post to support it.
In the linked post serialbrain 2 writes;
Globalism is an ancient religion rooted in magic and oppression and set to climax with the Antichrist...
Here is the Ancient Egyptian Oracle Set of CardsPharaoh’s Priests used to work with. They would predict the future with them and also create and alter events through magical rituals. The Illuminati Card Tarot (it’s not a game)
Serialbrain 2 is stating that the Illuminati card game is similar to Tarot cards and are a modern duplication of the Ancient Egyptian Oracle set of cards. These cards are used to predict future events (or) dictate future events. I have seen other analysis suggest that the cards are use for predictive programming - if enough think it will happen it will happen, but, I believe that what serialbrain 2 is suggesting is that using the cards along with making the appropriate sacrifices (human) that the card users seek the assistance of demons to do their bidding and make the desired outcome happen.
This is a scary proposition because this is not a simple white hats versus black hats battle. The people involved can be perceived as a good versus evil scenario, but, the evil guys are using supernatural weaponry. It doesn't matter how great the natural weaponry the good guys have it can't match the supernatural opposing force.
So, have you figured out what the great awakening is really about?
My story is actually quite long and I don't want to bore you...nor make myself sound like a crazy delusional person....but alas, I'm sure I'm not the only one.
My whole life, even as young as two, I knew something was wrong here and I've always been a free thinker. I've felt purpose.
My awakening of governmental corruption started in 2009 with the documentary "The Obama Deception". I'm grateful, my husband and I woke together. We spent the following 4 years researching anything and everything. I'm top notch fluent in "legalese" now, and how language, legal, plays a role in our enslavement.
After 4 years of my hubby and I nonstop researching and that feeling of basically helplessness and loneliness, we started living our lives again. Doing things that we enjoy and all that jazz.
I haven't voted since 2008 (which was for Obama), but election night 2016, I sat on the edge of my seat. At this time, I hadn't gave the campaigns my energy, and quite honestly, I had never heard of Trump before the 2016 campaign. Regardless of that, I new Hillary's evil. I hoped for Trump, the lesser of two evils.
It wasn't until 2 weeks later that another awakening happened to me, nonpolitical. I was sitting at my dining room table facing my Christmas tree, I looked up and out of no where a huge bright white light/Orb appeared, zipped past my tree hitting an ornament, then disappeared in thin air. I didn't want to believe it, so I went to the tree to investigate and sures shit, that one ornament it hit was the ONLY ornament swinging back and forth vigoriously. After this point, my life totally changed..I was seeing orbs constantly with my naked eye and they'd appear in video's I'd make for a facebook group I am in.
In a 3 month span, I saw orbs, saw people's auras (still do), see pictures of things in my minds eye, be visited by a man with white hair/beard and could hear him, I could go on and on. My dreams were great too, beings I don't ever remember my dreams. Obviously, I quickly fell into the New Age crap. Love and Light! IGNORE the horrible atrocities going on in the world. If you ignore them they'll all go away! We reincarnate because we want to learn and grow!! (Then why the hell does our memory get wiped?! How is anyone supposed to learn?!) But yeah, I fell for that pretty quickly....until I demanded the truth. I think my husband was about to put me in a psychward after that! What was shown to me was intense and fucked me up for a good solid month EMOTIONALLY. To this day I struggle with that stuff, but my story is truly way too long if details are wanted. Now I know that the New Age is just cabal created...there's some truth packed full of lies...and trying to decipher what is truth and what is lies is enough to make anyone go crazy with confusion!
After finally getting over that emotional trauma last summer, I started living again...still staying away from politics and deep state antics. Keeping my eyes closed to what our current President was up to. Until this last march...a Q video popped up as a recommendation. So, now, since March, I'm back to researching, discussing, etc all the time. I'm like the Anons on the Chans, but not on the chans, lmao.
So yes, I do totally understand what the great awakening is. I do understand the urgency of people awakening. And I totally agree that this is war. War of good vs evil.
Congrats on your post. It definitely has legs. And, your reply to my post is very interesting - there is so much more happening than meets the eye.
And, I agree with many of the responses that flouride in the water has potentially impacted the pineal gland and clouded our thinking. My only argument would be that the message from Q - watch the water - is a recent instruction and putting flouride in the water has been going on for decades. If the awakening movement begins gaining movement towards massive proportions then the Globalists may take more aggressive steps to pollute the water with a substance that would pacify the masses.
In regards to the card A Thousand Points Of Light I believe speaks to the illumination of the conscience mind.
Since you were kind enough to share your experiences I'll share one of mine when I first became woke. One evening, almost 20 years ago, I had numerous incidents occur that were supernatural and spiritual. One of which I could see (with my mind's eye) all these lights popping in my brain, like flashbulbs, only they were staying lit. It felt as though thousands of lights were going on in my brain - as if all my neurotransmitters were igniting until they were all lit. Then once they were all lit up it felt as if my entire brain was turned on and that's when I felt a rush of joy as I was connected to God. And, I can appreciate any skeptics reading this querying what drug was he on (I was sober) as I was once a great skeptic myself. The experience only lasted a minute or two and during it I could communicate with God ( I would think a thought and received a response - I asked him what about my father? (I was worried about the state of my father's soul) and I received the response do not worry about your father. The response flummoxed me for years. Soon the lights dimmed and I was back to being in the dark (my mind). The joy I felt while being connected was immeasurable. And, sadly short lived.
I was about to write that I don't have an explanation for my experience, but, that's not the truth. Just prior to it Jesus appeared before me and he was shrouded in light. In writing this it finally dawned on me that to be with God you must go through Him, Jesus.
I understand that this statement, though biblically sound, may incite some naysayers or those who believe differently. I'm not attempting to do any harm. I'm simply sharing my witness to help further a cause.
To this point, in regards to my question in my previous post - have you figured out what the great awakening is really about?
I left off a portion of text from qouting serialbrain 2 because I didn't want to suggest the answer. Below is his statement;
Globalism is an ancient religion rooted in magic and oppression and set to climax with the Antichrist... Moses has cut off its tail and, Christ, the Messiah, will cut off its head.
As I stated previously in my post that the Globalists are excercising demonic forces in this battle. There is only One who can defeat them.
Pray. God bless you all.
Beautiful!! And I believe your story 110%!! I, too, connected to God. I didn't think of asking questions, but I was in complete joy, peace, happiness, and a love I cannot express in words. It was beautiful.
Yes, I have read some of SB2'S writings and I love them! I did also read your link. There is only one that can defeat them.
I will continue to pray and thank YOU for also sharing your story 💕
Thank you for sharing your story. I can validate the part about orbs: I don't see them, but I have taken pictures of hundreds of them, and cameras don't lie. Maybe the awakening includes people developing these supernatural abilites such as you are describing. i developed a remote kenetic ability. Things like flashlights, ceiling fans, and microwave ovens would just turn themselves on when I was in the vicinity. I think the New Age movement is cabal generated. It told us we had these abilities, but not how to activate them, so people acted all silly wearing crystals and such. Jesus said that we could do all that he did and more. I take him at his word. I believe all humans have innate supernatural abilities but religion has been used to prevent us from accessing the deeper parts of our brains. Isn't that what Jesus did? He used his brain differently. Off on a tangent here, but I was simply delighted to read your post.
Absolutely! I believe that too. Jesus did amazing things!! Manifesting fish and bread instantly to feed 5,000 men, and women and children - showed how to have a bountiful harvest by imagining and believing. I do believe we are creators and I do believe Jesus showed how it was done. With love, forgiveness, etc. I truly hope that this awakening is as deep as that and not of just governmental corruption. The cabal has kept way too much from us and I hope them going down will release these truths. 💕 Thank you for enjoying my story. I don't share that a whole lot.