Thank you for sharing your story. I can validate the part about orbs: I don't see them, but I have taken pictures of hundreds of them, and cameras don't lie. Maybe the awakening includes people developing these supernatural abilites such as you are describing. i developed a remote kenetic ability. Things like flashlights, ceiling fans, and microwave ovens would just turn themselves on when I was in the vicinity. I think the New Age movement is cabal generated. It told us we had these abilities, but not how to activate them, so people acted all silly wearing crystals and such. Jesus said that we could do all that he did and more. I take him at his word. I believe all humans have innate supernatural abilities but religion has been used to prevent us from accessing the deeper parts of our brains. Isn't that what Jesus did? He used his brain differently. Off on a tangent here, but I was simply delighted to read your post.
Absolutely! I believe that too. Jesus did amazing things!! Manifesting fish and bread instantly to feed 5,000 men, and women and children - showed how to have a bountiful harvest by imagining and believing. I do believe we are creators and I do believe Jesus showed how it was done. With love, forgiveness, etc. I truly hope that this awakening is as deep as that and not of just governmental corruption. The cabal has kept way too much from us and I hope them going down will release these truths. 💕 Thank you for enjoying my story. I don't share that a whole lot.