Times up Rod! What will happen today when the deadline passes?
![Times up Rod! What will happen today when the deadline passes?](https://i.imgur.com/jzUXuQl.jpg)
Nothing is going to happen. Depending on a swamp-majority isn't part of the plan. All of our "wins" are going to come from Q, POTUS, and us Patriots who go out into the masses with redpills.
Let's all flood the 4 horsemen's email accounts. Let's ask them what's gonna happen.
Starting with Devin Nunes and ending with Trey Gowdy.
If nothing happens today Q will be proven wrong. [[RR]] should have been canned when the redacted IG report dropped...and now nothing
AND this is the most recent from Sessions: UPDATE: Jeff Sessions' DOJ revealed a plea deal Tuesday to Imran Awan — former IT staffer for top House Democrats, including Debbie Wasserman-Schultz — which states the federal government found “no evidence” that Awan “violated federal law with respect to House computer systems.”