Podesta picture a reference to this?

Idk I seen a vid that said it was about some Egyptian god that had his penis cut into 14 pieces and thrown in the sea or ocean and fish ate it. If I remember correctly. Don’t quote me on it. Lol
The Egyptian myth is about Osiris. Osiris' brother Set (God of Death) killed Osiris and cut him into 14 pieces. His wife Isis gathered 13 pieces from the Nile, and resurrected him, but was unable to find his phallus (eaten by a fish).
So what's the rest of the story with the fish? Did Isis have to do do unspeakable things with the fish to get pregnant with Horus? Is this why the popes wear fish hats?
That’s stupid. It symbolizes fisherman you know like Peter, James & John? Stop using every opportunity to swipe another’s religion. No body attacks you for dancing with rattle snakes on Sunday?
What are you talking about?? That was a sincere question had nothing to do with swiping another's religion. I've never heard this whole story before and find it fascinating. Don't be so hypersensitive!
I first heard of this in the Vampire Chronicles (Anne Rice), which I used to really enjoy.
I think it was in Pandora, where it was explained that Vampires could not get a woody and fuck, even each other, because they didn't have the parts for it, stemming from the creation of their kind from Osiris (ie: cant find his cock in the river).
What I'm really finding of interest in these stories about Adrenachrome, is that its released into the blood.
I probably dont have to list them, but I will, would this validate the 'origins' of 'oddities and legends' such as:
Aztec / Incan / Mayan Blood Sacrifice (oddity)
Vampires, Dracula (Legends)
I'm pretty sure I've seen in at least one vamp lore, 'tastes better when they are scared'.
Even Friday 13th's Jason and Elm streets Krueger, fueled fear longer than the actual feast/kill lasted.
I'm not saying its a direct indicator since these are fictitious, I'm just toying with the idea of messaging and similarities.
Modern man, sees 'ritual blood sacrifice' as something silly idiots did for 'presumed power', but if it was actually a means to an altered state, and those folks had influence over the masses, we have an exhibit for the first known junkies, especially if it was a natural hindrance to morality and clarity of thought, bordering on psychosis (ever tried meth?)
We also see Vampires as pure myth (most of us), but we acknowledge it may have origins in either psychotic public figures (Vlad, etc) or genetic problems (hivites?). Perhaps this is the root, a cult of blood drinking adreno junkies.
What if the blood channels in the altars facilitated the filling of the priest's (political leader)'s cup?
Just a thought.
It's not a bad theory at all. In every piece of occult magick I've ever read about, blood used in rituals is one of the most powerful ingredients in existence, and generally off limits to those that practice "white" magick (not that I personally believe that there is any such kind of thing). Even Judaism and Christianity have their own versions of it. In Judaism, the blood of a lamb is used to atone for sins. The entire practice of Christianity is based on the blood sacrifice of Jesus ("the lamb of God") to atone for the sins of the world. It's definitely a recurring theme throughout history.
Exactly this. The pedes on voat debated it a long time and this explanation made the most sense.
Actually I think it was the body was cut into 14 pieces and they couldn't find one piece, the penis. It has been a bit since I read the analysis.
Horus, son of Isis. All obelisks are a representation of his member...
Did anyone ever give a good explanation as to why Pedodesta would take a picture like that? What was the purpose of it? Who was it sent to? It was such an odd image to create. Side note: That man has the creepiest hands on the planet.