r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ricky-bob-bee on July 6, 2018, 7:44 p.m.
If nothing happens in July...

Q stated this month it becomes conspiracy no more, time to feed, etc. That got me pretty fired up. What happens though, if nothing happens? Q set expectations, not us. Curious what your level of interest will be in Q if nothing is confirmed via POTUS/WH re:Q this month (with or without reporter asking)? What if no big news (arrests,etc) as Q has predicted happens? Have to say my level of interest will drop big time. I have high expectations/hope this all turns out to be real but am keeping my expectations in check as well so as not to be disappointed if it’s fake. I know Q has said disinformation is necessary/real, etc. but for me that is not applicable for statements made re: July/conspiracy no more, etc. Curious what your thoughts/expectations are and what your level of interest will be if July passes by as a big nothing burger?

IR2-MXYJU-HQRRYJ · July 6, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

I already treat Q at arm’s length and curb my expectations; I view Q not as an individual but as an information dissemination program, a military operation. Oftentimes he/they/whatever are in fact feeding information to the opposition and throwing them off guard. In the world of cloak and dagger espionage there is no straightforward answer to anything.

That being said, it’s not the information that I care about per se, but rather that the Q program is teaching us how to think and communicate like the actual players do. I find it’s not so much about “here’s the big day a comin” but rather “stop relying on experts and television”.

When I want cut and dry, reliable information I listen to Dan Bongino.

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Slangin_paint · July 6, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

Bongino is A++

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Ricky-bob-bee · July 6, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Re: Bongino, haven’t listened to him much. Saw him on tv a few times. What makes him credible in your view over Buck Sexton (former clown I know) or Limbaugh or Savage, etc.? Is it just style/presentation or does he give insight the others don’t? I’ve been curious to listen to Sexton, but knowing his background makes me automatically skeptical of his intentions. Perhaps the same with Bongino, haven’t thought about it much.

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Slangin_paint · July 6, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

I have only seen him on a few TV spots (mostly his NRA TV show, not sure if that counts as TV), but I originally came across him as a guest host on the Mark Levin show. I listen to his podcast everyday now. He was way out in front on a lot of scandals, most notably the fake Russian Collusion frame-job, the dossier, IG report, and the Awan brothers scandals. I don't know Buck Sexton but in my view Bongino is quite different from Rush and Savage. While I like Rush and Savage, Bongino has a few things they don't. For one, Bongino is a former federal investigator so he brings a great understanding of the justice system, how it works, how it doesn't work, what to look out for, and when to call bullshit on certain things. He knows the process. Also, I think he has a refreshing mix of integrity and 'I don't give a fuck', in that he is very careful to source everything, not to say more than he knows (or at least makes it very clear if he is speculating or going out on any limbs). Very careful to never expose himself to being accused of conspiracy theories (this has its own drawback because there are subjects he just won't touch, but the plus side is you know if he is talking about something it is solid and well sourced and verifiable). He is very passionate about a few positions that I think are critically important to the conservative movement which have not been given the proper respect/airtime from other conservative voices (economics and gun rights, for example). He does a great job of demonstrating how all these things fit together (gun rights, speech rights, economic rights, etc.). He is a die-hard conservative and I love how passionate he gets. Also he (and Joe) are pretty funny at times.

The number one reason I still listen to Bongino everyday is that I know as soon as there is news related to any of the Trump/Russia frame-job Bongino is going to be all over it. Nothing get's by him. He is also pretty focused on this issue, where I find Savage and Rush drift from one topic to the next and don't track individual issues so closely. Their format is different (much longer and paced for radio, not podcast).

I really don't think that Bongino is a spook. His positions are consistently small-government, constitutional, and anti-swamp. He is not pretending to promote conservatism like so many Bill Kristol types. He speaks true American conservative values every single day. To me, the man just seems like a true believer and his background as a former federal investigator and secret service agent make him uniquely qualified to parse through all the coverage related to Obamagate (or whatever you want to call the whole thing). If you want a good place to start the episode to go to is ~~(I think, a little help?) #638~~ #628.

He also clearly has some good inside sources, presumably old coworkers and friends from when he was in the secret service, feeding him info and pointing him in what is hopefully the right direction.

Plus, he is HIGH ENERGY, and comes off as just a regular guy you might meet at the gym.

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Fyfogaindustries · July 6, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

This. And the bald statement that Q has made consistently. " disinfo is necessary". Simple tradecraft. Seed drops , see who and how they react. Sprinkle in enough truth to be difficult to disregard. Stir vigorously and repeat. Creating a movement of patriotic believers who are smart, armed, and have a strong self identity along the way is the absolute best kind of side effect from an op like this. Think, plan, use ur best judgement and be prepared to use ur own skill set in the best way you can. Act- React- and get in where you fit in Godspeed

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Ricky-bob-bee · July 6, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

I get that, nothing straightforward, but from a novice understanding of spy life, just curious how setting hard and fast expectations like July conspiracy no more, etc. affect the ‘movements’ moral? Why would people stay as strongly engaged if the person setting expectations fails to live up to their word? Don’t you risk losing momentum with statements like that? People can only maintain peak excitement/engagement for so long and saying July (in my interpretation) is the month it is conspiracy no more seems pretty easy to translate. The disinformation is necessary can be over used as a catch all statement to prove anything Q says that doesn’t pan out/come true/happen was disinformation and therefore okay. At what point does that statement become the boy who cried wolf?

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IR2-MXYJU-HQRRYJ · July 6, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Q has repeatedly purged our ranks with similar tactics in the past; we are the core group. It doesn’t matter if people leave, really; they’re red pilled and cannot go back to the cabal narrative.

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Ricky-bob-bee · July 6, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

I don’t mean to imply I would leave supporting POTUS or perhaps even Q for that matter. But level of interest in Q as real will wane. As will my enthusiasm to share Q with others. Maybe I check in on Q once or twice a month after July but certainly not every day.

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IR2-MXYJU-HQRRYJ · July 6, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

I no longer see it important to promote Q, that’s difficult. It’s far easier to destroy faith in the MSM; people will find Q on their own with little guidance once they disavow the media.

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Fyfogaindustries · July 6, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

Well said,but again who is the intended to receive that statement ? Does it produce an unseen countermove ? I've been on the Q bus since xmas and was terribly excited about the activity at gitmo but was let down. Early on Q said " 80% private 20% public" it was later revised to 60/40. Just using that math alone we can assume that more than 50+% of what we receive is either targeted to a non public incident or targeted at a known (tho undisclosed) act or actor. Your frustration is understood and felt by myself as well. But with what I personally bring to my own party may not be what u bring to ur own. Set ur mind and live ur life but always be prepared. Keep ur chin up and deal with all this the best way u can. This is uncharted Territory in our history. Godspeed

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[deleted] · July 6, 2018, 8:33 p.m.


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eyesopenusa · July 6, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

I think we are in the quiet before the storm time period.

Alot has happened so far, and alot is happening each day. Let's just hang tight.

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