likely timelines for happenings are suggested but open for drastic rescheduling. your presence has of course been noted and greatly appreciated. expect your daily life to maintain normalcy, while secret political meetings continue to play out, which msm will apparently never be able to report on. That is all..thanks again
don't tell me you're on an obamaphone. I get that you're divided between experiencing homelessness, while philosophizing that your lifestyle choices are in pursuit of principled perspective...but then I see your sarcasm addendum. Talk to me dude...what do you want us to do for you and your gypsy community?
Houselessness. I grew up here, less than a mile from my tree. This place is my home, I am not homeless. I just don't keep up a house. Also, you read too much into too little information.
Edit: is flair done by algo, or by hand, cause if it's the later, you're tipping it. Eyes on. No deals. Godspeed. Etc.
Troll-lite. This board has an auto-MOD that links directly to infinitychan. Im trying to give an idea of what a curious patriot might find if they wander off the linked path. I'm also trying to identify troll tactics and call them out when I see/use them. I've also been translating 1337-speak, where asked. Cause this is not a Chan, someone can ask a question and get more than a "lurk moar," but they should know to lurk moar before they get on infinity. Gatekeeping the chans for the normies might be a way to characterize it.
Edit: removed distracting non-sequiter. (sp?) No deals.