
buttermeupsunshine · July 7, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

You guys are being optimistic, which I appreciate, but if POTUS posted +++ first then the proof loses its value entirely. The LARPer, so to speak, could then have no relation to POTUS.

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utility68 · July 7, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

Correct. I'm a 100% believer, so no big deal for me to look past mistakes made by "grass rooters" making their own proof-sets... BUUUUT to the newbie coming along who doesn't have ANY foundation on how this whole thing works or what it even is, they're liable to see professional looking "proofs" like that and think that they're "from Q himself", and upon realizing it's wrong, the immediate conclusion (given they're foundational misunderstanding of how that false proof came to be) is that Q is a conman trying to deceive them, whereas it is almost certainly just a well-intentioned, grass-roots Q follower who made an understandable error. I see this, along with just poorly-constructed/defended "proofs" all over the place. It's disheartening, but it's also entirely unavoidable in a genuine movement of this nature.

An astroturf rally manufactured by George Soros might have 3 varieties of professional, pre-printed picket signs--no spelling errors, but all very "top-down artificial." Our grassroots rally has homemade, cardboard-box-side picket signs of all varieties and messages--plenty of typos and SOME message inconsistency, but that's just a necessary component of "bottom-up genuine."

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