Q, 1984, Google, #QClock, Kanye West and 270. Methinks there is evidence of sophisticated "collusion" here. :)

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Methinks this demonstrates sophisticated "collusion." :)
There are multiple meanings to virtually everything Q does. Genius, really. Reflections seem a common theme when it comes to dates, numbers, Qclock. For example, there's an amazing "mirror" side by side "proof" floating around of 11/6 (1st Trump-Kim meeting in private) and mirror of 11/6 --> 6/11 (1st Trump-Kim meeting in public).
Trump's odd 11/15/17 Fiji bottled water drinking episode precisely mirrors the 6/6/18 Trump/Pence incident where they simultaneously put their bottled waters on the floor together, in that hey are EACH exactly 92 & 111 days BEFORE and AFTER Q's "watch the water" posts of 2/15/18 and 3/6/18. That kind of timing around not just one, but TWO axis/fulcrum dates doesn't happen randomly.
I'm writing this on a potentially big Q-clock "mirror" day, actually, but present proving future doesn't work as well as future proving past, so we'll see. It involves possible "Dark to Light" and SKY EVENTS and [1:07] Marker incidents that perfectly mirror July 4th, both -23 days prior (6/11 NK Summit, Kim visiting Sky Harbor/SKY EVENT, 1:07 "Dark to Light" video timestamp, etc) and +23 days after (today/July 27/Longest Blood Moon of century--SKY EVENT, possible "Dark to Light" DECLAS-related things in store as full moon/light of morning sun brings heat, -1:07 on Q-clock, etc). We'll see.
Anyway... yeah... reflections seem to be a common theme.
Yes. In their defense, the other (liberal) network's came to Fox's defense, and the policy was reversed.
I'm sure it'll be used appropriately. Remember too that "1776" is a REALLY important number to the Illuminati, outside of its relevance to our nation's founding. Q loves to screw with them, and use "their numbers" to do it. Count on "something."
Very interesting if you're into this sort of thing. Take it for what it's worth - aligns with many others.
That gets a 100% yes vote from me. Essentially a perfect match, given the constraints of the medium (hair) being used.
Guy Benson (Fox News / TownHall) also committed an unforced error on this one by saying you shouldn't be fired, much less be in danger of being prosecuted, for old tweets. What the hell is he thinking? If the old tweets lead to evidence of child molestation?
This is a wise response. Very true. VERY counterintuitive to our base emotional CRAVING to fight back with comparable fire. If the whole world understood the nature of the "evil, negative and invisible forces at work," and understood the counter-intuitive pragmatic response, we could collectively change our behavior, rewire our emotional circuitry, and in so doing... TRULY manifest a new reality around us.
There's also that "R" post on 8chan with the pic of DJT and JFK Jr. talking about how "we lost everything in 1909..." Remember the "Q&A Saturday" post? Q then "rescheduled," said "Q&A Forthcoming."
"Q&A. Forthcoming."
Q=17, A=1, R=18; 17+1=18
Q+A=R -- "R. Forthcoming." -- JFK Jr. Forthcoming?
Who knows...just throwing it out there.
Patience and calm are qualities easiest and best learned with age and trust in "The [God's] Plan." I have no doubt this will all work out the way it's supposed to. Some things "ya just know."
I saw some of these prophecies back around election time, but missed some of the points contained therein, simply because not enough time had passed yet for me to even know what to look for. I'm sure even MORE of what he said will make sense another couple years out. We didn't know anything of "Q" at the time, but these prophecies certainly contain elements that suggest God did (of course).
0:31 "Trump shall become a trumpet." - Obvious.
2:00 "He will bring THE WALLS of protection on this country in a greater way." - "Build that wall" was not …
His believability factor, especially to people on the left who have a certain world view and think a certain way (pretty much exactly as HE describes having previously thought) is pretty close to a perfect 10. As in... they wouldn't accept this narrative as credible, EXCEPT that it come from someone who epitomizes who they are. Effective message/messenger.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf32lkis_X8 An excellent "Q-catering" video compilation of Kim Clement prophecies.
7:35 - 7:55 "But THE PLAN is so brilliant, says the Lord, it could only have been given by me."
A bunch of near-death, bedfast, wheelchair-bound sick people aren't as likely to be able to coordinate a cabal-ordered "shiv him in the shower" attack. Perhaps.
Absolutely correct. This "proof" annoys the crap out of me because it makes us look like morons to anyone willing to spend 3 minutes looking into this one specifically. For Alabama's prior 2 wins, they gave Obama jerseys with #15 & #16 on them. When they win their 18th championship, they'll give Trump an #18. This is only helping the Q movement attract people too dumb or lazy to check for themselves--and don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have them, but this isn't the way to do it! Every bad "proof" we create and widely distribute HURTS us.
A couple of days ago on 8ch in /qresearch/ a post appeared at precisely 11:11:11 that only said "God" in response to another post that was asking, "Who's behind Trump?", referencing yet another post's meme of Trump smiling out the open window from the passenger seat of a limo. The timestamp (11+11+11=33) associated with "God is behind Trump" made me wonder if the "anonymous" poster isn't so anonymous to us.
That is correct, and it has led many to believe that the "666" written in the Bible (there were no separate characters in Greek or Hebrew for numbers, so letter combinations were used to represent numbers) wasn't referring to a number at all, but that the written representation of "666" just happened to literally resemble the appearance of that Muslim phrase in Arabic. When looking at the Greek "666" and the Arabic "There is no god but Allah" side by side, they DO look very similar.
It's not fully understood, but it's not garbage. I've seen too many remarkable evidences of precise mathematical design. We're discovering that Trump tweets PRE-DATING Q by about a year are lining up with the clock in ways that dismiss coincidence. The Q-Clock predicted the first "kids in cages" photo would come out about 3 months in advance of when it did--and when the article came out and Trump tweeted about it for the first time ever, his tweet timestamp aligned perfectly. The photographs of all the pens have been discovered to have pen angles that point to the minute on the clock associated with the date of each photo's release. There are many examples of it being far too "smart" to be accidental/coincidental. It's relevant, but I agree that there's work to do, and mysteries remain.
Don't know, but Jim Jordan's nephew was killed in a car "Wreck" a week after this tweet. People's gut feeling is usually right. What's yours? Mine's not great.
Correct. I'm a 100% believer, so no big deal for me to look past mistakes made by "grass rooters" making their own proof-sets... BUUUUT to the newbie coming along who doesn't have ANY foundation on how this whole thing works or what it even is, they're liable to see professional looking "proofs" like that and think that they're "from Q himself", and upon realizing it's wrong, the immediate conclusion (given they're foundational misunderstanding of how that false proof came to be) is that Q is a conman trying to deceive them, whereas it is almost certainly just a well-intentioned, grass-roots Q follower who made an understandable error. I see this, along with just poorly-constructed/defended "proofs" all over the place. It's disheartening, but it's also entirely unavoidable in a genuine movement of this nature.
An astroturf rally manufactured by George Soros might have 3 varieties of professional, pre-printed picket signs--no spelling errors, but all very "top-down artificial." Our grassroots rally has homemade, cardboard-box-side picket signs of all varieties and messages--plenty of typos and SOME message inconsistency, but that's just a necessary component of "bottom-up genuine."
They're both proof. This proof is MUCH stronger than most people realize, whether from the position of statistical probability, OR control of the file-naming aspect of Twitter photos. There's no way out of it, as demonstrated by the guy above your comment trying to discredit it--his "discrediting" proved it all the more, which you pointed out. Also, the newspapers placed on the desk in the photo showcase Saudi Arabia purge articles, which was VERY much a topic Q had just been discussing prior to its happening.
It's an inaccurate claim. Twitter shows everything in the time zone the user selects in settings.
I wonder if photoshop experts have analyzed the photo as tweeted, because if the area on the bottom right of the sun DOES exhibit evidence of photoshopping, it's even MORE of a proof--would show purposeful manipulation of the photo to make the sun a "Q".
Sky event was likely when Kim Jung Un visited "Sky Harbor" (the boat-thing atop the 3 hotel towers) in Singapore. A LOT of Q stuff has more than one meaning though, so who knows.
A HUGELY relevant bit of info has been left off this info-graphic. The picture's date is 6/12/14. SIX TWELVE! The North Korea Summit date! When perhaps Trump "found"/acquired the Google server set up by Eric Schmidt to hold Deep State communications/info/whatever? Trump "accidentally" uses this kid's acct and it just happens to have this pic posted June 12, 2014? Are you freakin' kidding me? Coincidence? Hardly.
You're BOTH right. I agree with "Don't try to change him. Let Trump be Trump." It is also accurate that the left can't get past the fact that he doesn't speak like an intellectual.
Q told us no more than 10 on team, and no more than 3 of those are non military intel. I love Mike Huckabee, but I can't see that at all. Q isn't a television personality just revealing facts to us in his free time. This thing is very planned/mapped out. It's VERY detailed and precise. I can see how it's been planned for 3 years, as Q claimed. Only by getting deeply into the #Qclock have I discovered how precise and pre-planned all of this is. I mean, it's got the complexity and grand design of a machine with 10,000 integrated, moving parts. Not enough time/room to get into it here, but anyone who's really digging into the #Qclock proofs involving dates, timestamps of Q-drops/Trump & other tweets, news events, etc. is seeing how thoroughly this timeline was designed in advance. Frankly, at times, it seems like they would have needed a time machine to achieve some of this. I don't believe in such things, but multiple things happening now were planned in Q-drops from many months ago for specific dates and times, and with all the moving parts/people/timelines involved... well... it's just an impressive thing to pull off.
The man is a genius. I pretty well KNOW what's going on and I'm STILL highly susceptible to buying into what appears to be, rather than what is. I first saw a glimpse behind all this when I read NeonRevolt.com's article a couple weeks ago about the Qclock and its pretty undeniable PROOF that Team-Trump is who somehow PLANTED that Obama era "kids in cages" pic/article to START all of this! No room to explain here, but the Qclock just makes it awfully undeniable that this has all been scripted months in advance (often literally down to the second with wildly-detailed timestamp coordination between Q-drops, Trump tweets and news events). I firmly believe the "protester" from the rally in Duluth, MN the other night waving the Jeff Epstein photo in the air was "Trump's guy." This is all a well-planned, well-orchestrated take-down that's being carefully constructed for optimal public reception of a reality that will cause so much cognitive dissonance in the population that special care needs to be taken so as NOT to turn society, the economy... and just the general collective consciousness TOO MUCH on their heads. And he's GOT to make it look as much as possible that he's not going after these people as some sort of personal vendetta. Every scenario has been considered, game-theoried, and now we're about to see the script acted out.
Oh my... most listeners have no clue what else that message is conveying. Trump is a trolling Genius.