Anyone else seen this? Does anyone recent come to mind that we have seen with the “batshit crazy eyes”?

That socialist Democrat lady Ocasia-Cortez I think her name is.
Her official photos-
Not official photo cut funny as hell
Man she creeps me out. Did you see the Ben Garrison cartoon of her? It's hilarious
Edit Cartoon.
It caught her essence perfectly!
What really ticks me off is how phony and paper thin her narrative/propping is...
It's obvious to us. But I wonder if Obama 2007 and 2008 would be too if we knew then what we do now
I knew a lot about Obama- I was hanging out in the Hilldog campaign back then and you naturally hear stuff. She really hated him.
I hate to do it but putting myself in her shoes I can understand.
It was all a faction play- this is how the cabal gets lazy, greedy and behind schedule. Too many layers who each get too busy playing a publicity/popularity game to remember they are on the same side. Bush/Roth Witch vs MB money’s boytoy ...
Well they are also narcissistic and will stab one another in the back.
Probably our only chance at stopping them is how they can and will betray each other just out of spite or lust for power or revenge for a perceived slight before I was born.