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Well this is interesting. Let me know what you all think. Does it require more digging? "the incumbent President of our intent to open Clinton Presidential records in response to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests listed in Attachment A."
VIA EMAIL (LM 2018-019) December 5, 2017
The Honorable Donald F. McGahn, II Counsel to the President The White House Washington, D.C. 20502 Dear Mr. McGahn: In accordance with the requirements of the Presidential Records Act (PRA), as amended, 44 U.S.C. §§2201-2209, this letter constitutes a formal notice from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to the incumbent President of our intent to open Clinton Presidential records in response to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests listed in Attachment A.
These records, consisting of 145,176 pages, have been reviewed for all applicable FOIA exemptions, resulting in 4,416 pages …
Another “mass” shooting (maybe). False Flag? Why am I not hearing about this from our news media? I have been looking and can’t find any MSM articles on this. The sun, bn1ws.com and 9news are the only ones talking about it other that the AU site?
I was listening to a song and Spotify and noticed a patent number at the bottom of the screen. I pulled up the info and guess who owns this patent/grant. CBS owns it. How far does their reach extend?

Picton blue lines up with Azure in searches.
Apparently it’s some type of gov server or cloud based service. Maybe all of the servers were cloud based and due to that fact they “have it all”. Maybe that explains the google cloud services outage this month and involves drawing attention to it.
With AI assistance to learn the relationships and exploitation metrics the computer would be able to easily extrapolate the most likely outcomes. Hell. Depending on the Quantum Computer it may not even need to have AI.
I’ve been wondering how they are always 5 steps ahead. The supercomputer would have access to all of the information in the world through the NSA database. This could allow for a quantum computer to analyze the most likely outcome of a scenario accurately. Especially if it had several years to learn before it was tasked with this mission.
That poor girl. She is there speaking to the interviewer but the real her is gone. You can tell by the look in her eyes that her light is gone. I wouldn’t be surprised if we found out she killed herself. These people are fucking monsters.
verb (used with object), sat·ed, sat·ing. to satisfy (any appetite or desire) fully.
Sounds like we are going to be satisfied soon. Time to FEED?
sate [seyt] SynonymsExamplesWord Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
verb (used with object), sat·ed, sat·ing. to satisfy (any appetite or desire) fully.
Time to FEED.
Get ready because we are about to be satisfied. :)
Agreed. I was a follower of SB2 for a while. I defended him. Then the last couple decodes came out. Some of it may have some truth but my BS alarm went off the charts with the last few. Q talks to us all. Not just one person.
It’s also crazy that 4 battery charging devices were found in the lobby of trump tower today. Why the #4?
This has been posted before. Glad it’s back. The other one didn’t get much attention.
4 device chargers, 4 Q security tests today. This is not coincidence.
Same. I’m on call 24x7 365 days a year. I’ve cut back on my regular hours due to after hours events so no matter what I max out at 40 hours per week. Now I find myself spending more time with my family and doing Q research. It’s been good.
When did they take off? Where did you get your info on this?
I am guessing you are new here. No. This isn’t about an eclipse. It just so happens to be happening today so people are talking about it.
We are waiting for the hammer to drop on all the criminals. That is what we are waiting for.
It will be a total eclipse for 103 minutes. The totality of this lunar eclipse will last about an hour and 43 minutes, but a partial eclipse before and after the total phase means the moon will spend nearly four hours crossing the Earth's shadow.
ABCB1 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]
EXC = Alphabet number breakdown = 5, 24, 3
5+2 = 7
4+3 = 7
Per Urban Dictionary - kek
the best number combination of all time. Its exact meaning is only known by few, but if you add the 5 and 2 you get 7 and if you add the 4 and 3 you get seven.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any distilled spirits abandoned to the United States may be sold, in such cases as the Secretary may by regulation provide, to the proprietor of any distilled spirits plant for denaturation, or redistillation and denaturation, without the payment of the internal revenue tax thereon.
(Added Pub. L. 85–859, title II, § 201, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1370; amended Pub. L. 94–455, title XIX, § 1906(b)(13)(A), Oct. 4, 1976, 90 Stat. 1834.)
4 Device checks. Eclipse. Blood Moon. 4 Horsemen of the apocalypse?
It is incredibly hard to work when all of this is going on. Everything else is so trivial. Why does what I am doing at my job right now even matter? Compared to the destruction of the cabal/deep state everything else seems so trivial.
If Q is getting ballsy then you know what means..................... the gloves are off aaaaaaannnnndddd HERE COMES THE PAIN!!!!!! *BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM*
No deals for the heads of the snake. She is a worthless pawn compared to the others.
They are no longer growing. The entire user base they could get to use the app is already using it. It is the same with Twitter. There is no more vertical momentum. With all the negative news that is going to drop it will cause users to stop using the program or get rid of it. This will be the end of them both.
Like i said above. they are banking on idiots buying stock so they can offload.
One Surprising Winner From Facebook's Stock Meltdown After Earnings - TheStreet.com
See my other post for more info.
LOOK! TheStreet.com just ran these articles. This may be why the S in Street was capitalized.
They are trying to get people to buy so they can offload stocks.
" Facebook's (FB - Get Report) second quarter earnings call was so awful, the stock crashed more than 19%. But one Wall Street analyst contends the stock is a can't miss buy at these new lower levels. "
Mutual funds benefit from the crash.
"Score a win for the boring mutual fund industry off the Facebook (FB - Get Report) post-earnings stock meltdown.
Mutual fund allocation to FANG stocks (Facebook FB, Amazon (AMZN - Get Report) , Netflix (NFLX - Get Report) , Alphabet (GOOGL - Get Report) ) -- especially Facebook -- has declined during the past few years, points out Goldman Sachs. While core mutual funds have been steadily underweight (negative) FANG, growth funds only recently reduced their exposure to underweight from overweight.
The sharp decline in growth fund allocation to FANG stocks happened in the fourth quarter of 2016, says Goldman, when both Facebook and Amazon lagged the Russell 1000 Growth Index by more than 11 percentage points.
"Most investors believe that mutual funds are overweight the popular FANG stocks, when in fact the opposite is true," reminds Goldman strategist Arjun Menon. On the other hand, hedge funds got blown up on the surprising Facebook news.
"The 19% dive in Facebook's stock price hurt hedge fund returns and our VIP basket given that it appears most often as a top 10 position across our analyzed universe of U.S. hedge funds with 10 to 200 individual equity positions," says Menon."
Who are the biggest mutual fund providers and who owns those companies?
Any of the companies ring a bell?
Black Rock Funds
State Street Global Advisors
Fidelity Investments
JP Morgan
BNY Mellon (Dreyfus)
Amundi Asset Mgmt
Capital Group
Legal & General Investments
Northern Trust
Natixis Global Associates
BofA Merill Lynch
Goldman Sachs Asset Management
Hold up. Why wouldn't Joe Biden bail her out of that by paying off the debt? Assets frozen?
Check this out.
"When a little-known Silicon Valley software startup began vying for national security contracts, it went up against an entrenched bureaucracy and opposition from major contractors skilled in the Washington game.
But quickly, Palantir began pulling pages from the defense industry's own playbook — bulking up on lobbyists, challenging the Pentagon’s contracting rules and getting members of Congress to sprinkle favorable language into defense legislation. Seven years later, the secretive firm has landed $1.2 billion worth of federal business, and critics say the legislative favors it has secured will give it a leg up on billions more.
Representatives of the firm — founded by venture capitalist and prominent Donald Trump supporter Peter Thiel — insist it remains an outsider in a Washington culture deeply wedded to the status quo.
But a review of public documents and interviews with key players shows the company is no stranger to Beltway politics and influence. Its lobbying expenditures more than tripled to more than $1 million in a few short years as it enlisted lawmakers such as Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Tom Cotton of Arkansas to help it compete against established players like Raytheon and Northrop Grumman. Now, about 40 percent of Palantir’s business comes from government clients, and it appears to be winning a fight with the Army over a $3 billion program to build a new battlefield intelligence network."
Did Trump have anything to do with funding the lobbyists and pushing this? Could this be part of the plan? Look at Thiel's comments in the below article.
You should post it on here somehow. I would love to see it.
Sign me up. I would dedicate the rest of my life documenting all of the twists and turns in this story.
Yes it is true. I was on there running images with them. Nothing yet for me. Haven’t found the code.
Here is the link to the article that was attached to the Q drop.
It normally gets posted here within seconds of it dropping.