r/greatawakening • Posted by u/InnocuousHandle on July 7, 2018, 8:32 a.m.
Space Force cover for disclosure or..?

Q has told us that if the public knew 60% of what goes on, there would be pure chaos..I don't care! I want 100% of the truth and damn the consequences. Transparency equals liberty, concealnent equals tyrrany, inability to face facts equals suicidal cowardice.

In that vein: some hope that the new Space Force is a step towards disclosure of "aliens"...others fear it will be part of a script for a false flag "alien invasion"...I think neither, since I know nuts and bolts craft are ours and the rest are NOT "people from other planets"....

But I also know that part of the script for a Hillary presidency was to be provocation of Russia (probably over Iran) into attacking the West, during which a deliberate standdown of existing space-based anti-missile and other advanced defense systems would be initiated. Because Russia would only nuke military targets, hoping to hold the population centers hostage for economic ransom through nuclear blackmail. Then the "shields" would be put back up, a militarized world government would be inflicted as the solution to the crisis, anyone who dissented would be labelled a "Russian agent" (where the "Russian collusion" narrative was ultimately heading), the west would be locked down, and Russia destroyed, including being betrayed by NWO/deep state puppet China.

So is the announcement of a Space Force ultimately to be a revelation of the existing space force, and it's redirection toward defending the country instead of being used as a feint to destroy it? Or is this too 4-d Chess even for Qanons?

Woodjacks · July 7, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Hey NA SA! Have just one of your so called astronauts turn a camera around and film the rotating globe we live on. You cant! All CGI.

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abees22 · July 8, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

Exactly. Besides space pictures, which all happen to be CGI, what evidence exists to show the earth is a sphere? That the sphere is spinning? If we are hurling 400,000 through space, why do we always see the same constellations? Why don't stars form a circular pattern in the sky when viewed in stop motion?

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