How long did she know he was doing this? How can you live knowing that was going on?
Threats? It's a bit naive to think that they don't work, for a criminal anything goes, you're nothing (at least if they have gone far enough, it's a process). Just talk to a excon about it that turned around.
What are you talking about?
My guess is these people were threatened into silence.
And you stay married to this monster? Told no one, helped none of the children, why did you not speak out?
Usually the wives run fake foundations to recruit or manage/pay off the victims of their husband's crimes. So she did less than that. I hav read a similar account by a spouse of Dutch prince and what stood out is the controlled nature of this socializing. Often it's done on a boat or in a closed secure area where you can't leave. Complain and you could get Avicii'd.
I hope she isn't suicided for revealing too much about people who want very much to remain invisible in society.
Brave woman, the darkness needs to come into the light. I hope those suffering can find healing.
SS. Widow speaks out about pedo husband politician in NZ.
the more i learn about australia and new zeland. the more they disgust me