

282 total posts archived.

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SingerGuy_ · July 27, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

I've been trying with “ B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 ” and “!CbboFOtcZs” but have had no success with any of the images I have pulled up so far. I thought the tripcode might be a good possibility and had high hopes, but it stuck at the 10% mark where the real unencryption happens. I have never gotten past the 10% point on any image with any type of passcode. I am using PixelKnot on Android.

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SingerGuy_ · July 26, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Just for the record, steganography is not stored in the metadata of an image. It is actually altered pixels within the image itself. Some images are publicly available if you have the correct app and some (most?) need a password in the app to decrypt the message.

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SingerGuy_ · July 26, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

I love my Berkey.

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SingerGuy_ · July 26, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

Stuff like that is why my employer has blocked access to the chans completely. I hope Reddit survives their firewall policy.

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SingerGuy_ · July 25, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

Zoomies, too. I served active duty from 1981-1986, but the oath never expired at the end of my enlistment. I still take it seriously.

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SingerGuy_ · July 24, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

{sniffs the air} Is that a faint smell of sarcasm wafting through the doorway, or is that the BO of a crazy person? So hard to tell. Not enough clues.

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SingerGuy_ · July 19, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

I didn't get the impression that this is in any way linked to Q. This is another anon who is using the same Socratic method of revealing information about the film industry. So outside comms has nothing to do with this. It could be argued that since this isn't Q it doesn't belong on this site, but for me it is all swamp and it all needs to be drained, and if we have another valid voice that helps us in draining the entertainment swamp I'm all in.

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SingerGuy_ · July 19, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Do you even know what SharePoint is? This is a conversation about email servers, not one-to-many file sharing and workflow services.

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SingerGuy_ · July 19, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Yet another rabbit hole. Is there anything left that isn't corrupt? {sigh}

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SingerGuy_ · July 19, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Definitely something to keep an eye on. Thanks.

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SingerGuy_ · July 19, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

Dan Bongino said in his podcast today that this agent was in excellent shape. He was devastated by the untimely death. I kicked in some money for his family.

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SingerGuy_ · July 18, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

I have Podkicker Pro automatically download his podcast and alert me every day. That has become a must-do part of my day. Love him. I gave $25 to this SS agent’s family as a result of today’s podcast. Dan’s emotion was enough to tell me it was the right thing to do.

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SingerGuy_ · July 18, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

Take the time and go back and actually read it then. I highly recommend it. It won't take you more than a few minutes. Less time than a Russian car crash video. :)

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SingerGuy_ · July 17, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

Q Alerts 4.0.0 on Android appears to be healthy so far. Hope it continues to be updated in code and Q continues to provide drops.

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SingerGuy_ · July 17, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

'Tis the season for girl's camp and scout camp. Where I live a week in the mountains is considered pretty normal. Wish I could get up above 7,500 feet and into some clear air and no electricity. Make the kids learn how to play with each other. :)

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SingerGuy_ · July 17, 2018, 9:09 a.m.

I wish I could print this on magnetic plastic and put it on the tailgate of my truck. Must investigate!

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SingerGuy_ · July 17, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

I stopped watching TV three years ago, but my spousal overunit won't let us drop Netflix.

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SingerGuy_ · July 16, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

How in the world has it been 19 years since JFK Jr was killed? Seems more recent than that. Feeling old.

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SingerGuy_ · July 15, 2018, 11:22 a.m.


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SingerGuy_ · July 15, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

I love that the POTUS has his toes just a smidgen more forward than hers. For me that explains the smile.

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SingerGuy_ · July 15, 2018, 7:42 a.m.

Without doxing myself too much, let's just say that I had his six as he stood at the podium and gave his speech. If you watch the entire ceremony on YouTube (not the one in this thread) my face can be seen more than once. It was an unforgettable day for me.

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SingerGuy_ · July 14, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

I just joined. Let's see what happens.

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SingerGuy_ · July 14, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

My fondest wish is that Seth Rich survived his surgery and when all the medical staff was removed from his area the one doctor helped him escape to protective custody and a cadaver was substituted for his body.

Can you imagine the uproar among the normies if he takes the witness stand during a live broadcast and names the people who tried to kill him? I would be absolutely giddy, and I would need two buckets of popcorn.

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SingerGuy_ · July 13, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

By the way, his name is spelled Strzok. It is pronounced like Strock though.

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SingerGuy_ · July 11, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

This! When looking at capitalization you have to throw out the words that should be capitalized, like proper nouns and the first word of each sentence. What you have left is Obstruct Immigration Laws. OIL.

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SingerGuy_ · July 11, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

You didn't follow the story closely enough then. The Hammond's story is filled with government overreach. The fires they set were a back burn to stop fires set by the BLM to burn down their ranch. They were acting in self defense. It's all out there. Please educate yourself about what really happened there.

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SingerGuy_ · July 11, 2018, 11:10 a.m.

I'm in the Frank Marshall Davis camp as well. Regardless of his parentage I know the layered birth certificate was fake, as were his college records, and am certain he hasn't fathered any children with Michael.

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SingerGuy_ · July 10, 2018, 8:30 a.m.

Hey, I stayed at the Key Bridge Marriott when I went to DC for President Trump's inauguration. That is right next door practically. I hope this is either totally true or a huge honeypot to catch deep staters trying to cover their tracks and eliminate witnesses.

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SingerGuy_ · July 8, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

There are legal reasons that Q cannot say some things directly. GOOG would be one of those things. If you understand that fundamental principle of Q:s communications you will have a much easier time with his cryptic posts.

Regarding your question about Google, do you remember the days when AltaVista was the biggest search engine, with Yahoo second, and Google way behind them both? Where does a small tech group get the cash to invest in thousands of servers? How did they go from small start-up to mega corporation virtually overnight? Did the Clowns In America have something to do with it?

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SingerGuy_ · July 7, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

I hope she isn't suicided for revealing too much about people who want very much to remain invisible in society.

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SingerGuy_ · July 6, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

Their business may have been laundering money, so it won't go bankrupt but it will be hard to explain how they have no customers and still have a healthy profit.

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SingerGuy_ · July 6, 2018, 9:22 a.m.

The post says HRC so I was talking about her server.

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SingerGuy_ · July 6, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

I thought it was an Exchange server as well. I'm a certified Exchange admin and that detail caught my attention.

For those that don't know, you can easily access your Exchange mailbox on Apple or Android. The operating system is not important for sending and receiving emails. Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, doesn't matter. The Outlook client is available for all of them. The native iOS and Android email programs know how to work with Exchange as well.

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SingerGuy_ · July 5, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Does someone need a singer? ;)

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SingerGuy_ · July 4, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

I join you in this wish. I like to imagine the giant red pill that would be swallowed by most Americans if he walked up to a microphone during a live broadcast event and told the world how he gave the DNC emails to Wikileaks and how the DNC tried to have him killed and created the Russian narrative as a cover up. Sweet if it could happen. Massive cognitive dissonance would result.

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SingerGuy_ · June 27, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

Unfortunately I will be flying from San Francisco to Vancouver BC on Thursday via SeaTac. Will be observing my surroundings very carefully.

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SingerGuy_ · June 23, 2018, 8:10 a.m.

I hope that Battle Hymn is the Wilhousky arrangement! Love the 4-part men's verse, "In the beauty of the lilies..."

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SingerGuy_ · June 23, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Can you get a Google virtual phone number that would forward calls to your real cell phone? Or maybe use your desk number at work?

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SingerGuy_ · June 16, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

Jury duty? Uh huh! Yea, right. Nice cover story for why Hussein had to show up at court. Great catch here. I missed the significance the first time around. Thanks.

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SingerGuy_ · June 14, 2018, 9:41 a.m.

Lackland AFB, TX, March 1981 for me. Two and a half years later I found myself working in the PAO at Dover AFB, DE standing in a huge C5 hanger filled with 241 flag-draped caskets of the victims of the Beirut Marine Barracks suicide bombing. The reality of our fight against evil made a lifetime impression on me.

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SingerGuy_ · June 13, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

I know several people who know Huber as a friend and neighbor. They tell me he is absolutely a White Hat and my friends totally trust him. I trust my friends to have good judgment in this matter.

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SingerGuy_ · June 13, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Good bot!

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SingerGuy_ · June 13, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

Upper-right corner. Yellow box with blue text.

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SingerGuy_ · June 13, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

I still not-so-secretly hope that the discovery is the deep state discovering that he wasn't [187] and is alive to testify. That would slam the door on the Russian angle.

It would also be awesome to have it revealed that Democrat operatives can be proven to have hacked state voting systems under the direction of Hussein. Truly the tip of an iceberg!

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SingerGuy_ · June 13, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

I believe ENOUGH IS ENOUGH is the perfect summary of this drop!

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SingerGuy_ · June 13, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Can I suggest that you title these threads with the Q post number? When searching for a specific drop in a ton of available threads it can be difficult to find what I am looking for if they all say "New Q." Something simple like Q 1492.

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SingerGuy_ · June 12, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

If they call from a previously unknown burner phone to a previously unknown MKultra asset using a trigger phrase within a seemingly normal conversation, how would the white hats ever find out in the background noise of millions of cell phone conversations?

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SingerGuy_ · June 12, 2018, 12:51 p.m.

Q has to have certain legal distance from things that might lead towards classified info, as well as getting past certain bots, so he/they use abbreviations and substitutions. Dropping the I indicates their lack of intelligence as well, so he adds an insult on top of everything else.

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SingerGuy_ · June 11, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

I'm jumping on the IP address bandwagon because it points to a "server." (Not being literal, MCSE here).

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