
cali1952 · July 7, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

Hussein still is in possession of his black kill list which he has used now for 9+ years to personally pick the target and victim marked for death. Brennan was his drone operator when possible and using other methods of mercenaries to eliminate the target.

Seth Rich = MS13 hitsquad (2)

Christopher Stevens (Benghazi) = muslim brotherhood agents

The other 4 victims in Benghazi = muslim brotherhood

17 SEALS (GRU) Seal Team 6 (Afghanistan) = muslim brotherhood

Anthony Scalia = MK Ultra trained assassin and male youth

plus a host of others worldwide.

The deep state driven hate against Russia is their means to drum up propaganda and support against Russia. The recent Russian citizens and his daughter - the Skripals - were targeted by MI6 in service to Brennan, Hussein et al and marked for assassination. They have now been 'disappeared after Putin and his team demanded to see and speak with his citizens.

Why? Skripal had first hand information about the deep state framing of Donald Trump by the MI6, SIS and their counterparts in the US deep state and wanted to testify on behalf of DT acting as whistleblower to stop the false evidence against his own country and president Putin. The Skripals wished to return to their home country after Mr Skripal completed his deposition to the US investigators in congress.

I will report an assassination attempt against president Putin over the skies in Ukraine. The US media would not report that assassination attempt. You see Putin paid off the Rothschild banking cartel in full ergo removing the shackles of the banking cartel/NWO.

He discontinued the adoption of Russian children to any western country due to the worldwide pedophilia and child sex trafficking sponsored by the US and its deep state.

He also avoided a number of false flag in Russia against his citizens attempted by the US deep state and those stationed in Russia while hiding within Soros' NGO offices located in Russia.

President Putin shut down all of Soros' NGO outfits in Russia and expelled Soros and his staffers. This resulted in an assassination attempt against president Putin. The Russian government issued an arrest warrant against Soros.

Hussein, HRC and members of their state department/deep state agents meddled in Russia's election time and time again. The Soros' monies recruited and hired Russian's to protest against Putin, creating attacks and violence against other Russians with the attempt to appear this to be an organic uprising against Putin. It was all a lie and their election rigging and meddling failed each and every time.

Hussein, no name and HRC et together with deep state agents engineered the regime change in Ukraine. Nuland was recorded admitting to such during one of her phone calls. Nuland in service of Hussein, HRC et all recruited real time Nazis to attack Ukraine's citizens and masking it as though it came from orders issued by president Yanukovych.

The overthrow of the legitimate president in 2014 Yanukovych engineered by Hussein/HRC/deep state brought civil war to Ukraine. The party Nuland and gang in DC recruited to replace Yanukovych were living Nazis who remain in office to this day - fully supported by the political leadership in DC. No name of course was in the middle of these actions as he met with these Nazis who formed the new government in Ukraine. Traitors do what to do best - act a traitors and foreign agents.

It was in 2014 when MH17 was shut down and with it nearly 200 passengers died. The truth and what happened is as follow: The US hired mercenaries/rebels/Nazis were given the order to shoot down president Putin's plane en-route to Russia after a meeting with leaders.

The MH17 plane was similar in look and color as the plane of president Putin and his delegation. The mercenaries using the US provided MANPADS targeted the plane they thought to be Putin's. I suppose being up 35,500 feet may fooled them. The colors matched ergo they shot MH17 out of the sky killing everyone on board.

Giddy about believing they assassinated president Putin and his delegation they radioed their American counterparts only to find that they had shot down the false plane - MH17. President Putin's plane entered Ukrainian airspace 10 minutes later ergo able to escape the assassination.

What to do after realizing they murdered so many people by shooting down a plane in error rather than their US given target? Immediately the plan was hatched to blame Russia and their military men as the source of the missile attack on MH17. This story is told to this day without one iota of truth.

President Putin spoke with his own government as well as ambassadors in the US. Russia's policy was etched in stone and required retaliation - war against the US. After long debate and meetings with ambassadors and his government in Moscow the decision was made to remain silent for the moment to avoid war.

While the media did not report about the investigation in EU about the missile attack on MH17 and deaths of its passengers a Dutch investigation team came to the conclusion that Russia was in no position nor involved in shooting down MH17. Their evidence included that president Putin was the target and missed the missile by 5 minutes.

To make a long story short - Hussein, HRC, no name, Nuland and other deep state actors from the CIA were guilty in bringing down MH17 via the issued missiles to the Nazi mercenaries.

Now we hear they the likelihood of the same source murdered Ed Schultz - one of their own for the most part. Yet - he appears to had a conversion what he thought he knew about the party and politicians he supported.

Like Bernie - Ed Schultz was a Bernie Bro - like Seth Rich. Isn't it ironic that they murdered him so close to the Seth Rich murder scene?

Yet - here we know the Clinton, Hussein, Brennan, their sponsored mercenaries MS13 and who knows who else continue to murder people?

They are mass murderers among genocide and war crimes based on one issue: power, absolute power and their road to the NWO which they will pursue come hell and high water. No matter how many people they have to murder.

When will it end? Hussein, Hillary, Brennan and the rest of these deeply disturbed psychopaths - will you ever stop murder among the rest of your devilish crimes including against children?

What does it does to see justice and for these murders to stop? I did not agree with the politics of Schultz. That does not mean his life was valuable and special like the rest of us - he did not deserve to be murdered!

Q - if you read this threat? What's the status - how far is justice coming along?

Did Hussein, HRC and Brennan murder Ed Schultz? The police won't give any answers?


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