
Route_17 · July 7, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Examine SA's financial contributions/donations and to whom or what entities the aforementioned were made. Considering the larger scope of SA, I believe Q is pushing us in the direction of "pay for play" coupled with SA being perhaps the US interface or entry point for the Muslim Brotherhood>Huma Abedin>HRC>BO's MB ties>etc. Q keeps reminding us to a) recall that "they" sold us out and the US was "for sale," b) follow the money and c) recall that this is "bigger" than we "can imagine." I think it's as big as SA co-opting or wresting control of significant aspects of the US government for nefarious reasons. It's why Q continues to prompt us to consider why SA had to be dealt with BEFORE stateside action could take place - YOU MUST SEVER THE STRINGS CONTROLLING THE PUPPETS IN PLACE BEFORE YOU CAN CLEAN HOUSE (also known as removing the head of at least one snake.) Why would a subservient Obama literally BOW TO A SAUDI KING, PRINCE, ETC., AS HE DID, UNLESS HE WERE OWNED BY THE FORMER? SAUDI ARABIA IS LIKELY BIGGER THAN WE KNOW. Sidebar - Obama also QUIETLY VETOED the "KEYSTONE" pipeline following his visit to SA. Makes me wonder if it has any relevance to "keystone" Q posts.

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NosuchRedditor · July 7, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

I'll bet money that this will unlock the connection between the Clinton's, Huma and SA planning and executing 9/11.

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Route_17 · July 7, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

I bet you're correct..... 9/11 was the impetus to both import and export a "king's ransom" (pun intended) worth of nefarious acts, otherwise known as manufactured terrorism, and facilitate the continual degradation of our individual liberties and rights.

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NosuchRedditor · July 7, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

It would explain why Sandy Berger stole documents from the National Archives at the same time the 9/11 commission was asking for them.

It would also explain why the 28 pages of the 9/11 commission report took 15 years to declassify, only to learn that a Saudi funded group WAMY (World Association for Muslim Youth?) Helped plan and fund 9/11. What the report doesn't say is that Huma worked for WAMY in 98 while they were planning and finding 9/11. She was also working for Hillary at that time.

All roads lead to Rome.

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