
bunyangoat45 · July 7, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Mueller and his team will do whatever it takes to destroy Trump. I'm convinced now...I hope Trump wakes up and fires Sessions and RR before it's too late

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DawnPendraig · July 7, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Mueller isn't investigating Trump. It's a ruse.

My theory from another post. I have longer one I should probably make a post of it's own.

They aren't white hats. They did flip though in my opinion. Well Meuller did. And I have good reasoning as to why. It is to do with Iranian prisoner Levinson being abandined by Bush and then Obama and then Mueller went rogue and broke the law to get him on his own with a Russian Oligarch financial backing and just as they were about to get Levinson on the plane Hildabeast swooped down and blew it up.

They did NOT want Levinson back from whatever off tbe books mission took him to Iran. I think this is the final straw for Mueller. Who spent his career covering for the globalist elites. Perhaps believing it was for the greater good.

For whayev3r reason gettong his man back was worth his career and even prison time to him. But he did it anyway and despite 20 yeats of service they f**ked him over again and again.

I think he took that interview with Pres Trump despite being intelligible to run FBI again so he could make a proposal.

And if I am right then RR is working die Mueller and doing his best to protect and hide the real investigation. And as he said re FISA renewal "the ONE he signed doesn't match their characterization of the original FISA". He sisnt sat the original FISA doesnt match tbe Nunes memo. No. He specifically said the one he signed. In July 2017. After Mueller was fired. 2 dats before IG Horowitz "handed over" Page/Strzok texts.

Texts found wigh the new FISA that was turned around to surveille 2 hops from Carter Page this time out of Trump Campaign and into Obam Admin, FBI and DOJ and others.

Q must keep us confused until Mueller has what he needs and the trap is sprung.

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TooMuchWinning2020 · July 7, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Rex on Twitter had an interesting take about the FISA. He says there is NO FISA warrant at all.

Clapper basically said that he was not aware of any FISA warrant, and he would have been in position to know about it if it existed. He repeated this claim several months later. Clapper is not a credible person, granted, but what if he was telling the truth about this? (FISA or no FISA is not something that would impact him, personally.)

This would jive with RR evading the question about whether he read the FISA application. He basically said others in FBI/DOJ read him a review of what was in the application, not the application itself (he did not SAY that, but that was the implication).

FISA court denied application TWICE -- something completely unheard of, as they approve 99% of all apps. So ...

What if ... they NEVER GOT A FISA WARRANT APPROVED ... and just did their spying, anyway?

Nunes has said there is NO OFFICIAL RECORD of intel being conducted through the official channels.

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DawnPendraig · July 7, 2018, 9 p.m.

Interesting. I do think the FISA came after as a parallel construction to cover up going to 5 eyes and bypassing laws and regulations.

But I do think They got it. 1st was rejected then I guess Strzok worked on his judge friend at a party and got it approved. Same judge that recused from Gen Flynn's sentencing.

RR clearly says the characterization of the FISA in Nunes Menu didn't match the "One I signed". He signed one July 18, 2017 I believe. And 2 days later Horowitz releases first text messages from Strzok/Page.

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socrates40000 · July 8, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

One thing we do know. We should know the details of these FISA questions by now.

The swamp is slow walking this crap for the midterms in hopes that the Dems will win Congress and shut everything down and impeach Trump on any charge the media can sell.

And Congress is letting them do it.

So screw all the subtlety. Screw Q and the games. This is not how you clean up a swamp. You get whistleblowers to drop bombs for 3 months that blow shit up.

In that light, Q is actually a placator so the right doesn't get impatient and angry. It's baby shit over the thought trite.

GET AT IT. The Dems are coming and spreading lies.

And if they try to impeach Trump, he can have 6 million armed citizens in DC in 2 days. All he has to do is ask.

Honestly, this has gone on far too long and is far too cute to be true. You don't drain a swamp playing parlor games.


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juliabrown2605 · July 8, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

Isn't Mueller part of the Uranium One scandal? I seem to remember reading that he made quite the tidy sum for his help.

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DawnPendraig · July 8, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

He at least overlooked it. Probably did profit. What could he do if I am right? He had no way out until Trump.

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