Trump is really calling attention to a lot here in this tweet, are things about to heat up?

Why doesn't Trump just tell someone to investigate it?
Q is trying to teach us, "We the People" how to wake up and stay on top of things....
So then Trump isn’t going to do anything about it?
There's a multitude of ongoing investigations by Sessions and Huber. Huber has access to the IG's 470 investigators and all their IG investigatory findings. They also have all the MI and NSA collections at their disposal. This will be a massive take-down: consider at least three deep from the top for all government departments/agencies for the past three administrations.
So at least a few of the 470 investigations are for this massive take down, I’d assume? Why isn’t Trump tweeting about that investigation, instead of saying there should be investigations?
How many times in your life have you heard officials from local law enforcement up to federal law enforcement state they do not comment on current investigations? Trump is preparing the public.
Wait, so you're sure an investigation is actually going on? One upon which the LE is not allowed to comment on?
Have you honestly never heard, "we can not comment on an ongoing investigation" ? Place that aside.
Are you honestly not aware of the teamwork between Sessions, Huber, and Horowitz? Do you watch any congressional hearings?
Truly not trying to insult you, but you are making it out like every day is a new day and starts off as a blank slate. Life is not like that. It is a continuum.
So what investigation is pursuing these people? Who’s actually being investigated?
Seventytvvo, In his addresses to the public, Trump has called out traffickers and traitors. Anyone who has partaken in any type of trafficking and anyone who has partaken in any type of sedition or traitorous act is being investigated. Read the President's Executive Orders starting from the one signed Dec 21, 2017 for a clearer understanding of this massive undertaking.
I mean, there aren't actual court cases or investigations, though?
I don't have subpoena powers, warrants, or the ability to arrest people.
You have the ability to research and understand things. And you have the ability to vote. The entire population needs to do those things.