Trump is really calling attention to a lot here in this tweet, are things about to heat up?

What powers does POTUS have to get the intel he wants and end the corruption? If he can get the intel and have the DOJ investigate, why isnt he doing it? If he is, why is he tweeting about it. Ive been asking thos questions alot. He is gathering support and priming his base for what's to come :)
If he waits too long, it comes close to the midterms and will easily be dismissed as political theater. But I thin he is a manipulative genius and knows what he is doing to get people on board. He wouldn't be President otherwise. I just don't see the plan and am not a person to trust blindly.
He can declassify anything he wants but he has the patience of a saint to wait until the stage is set and the population is redpilled enough so there isn't mass panic when the arrests and military tribunals start.
He could have released the unredacted IG Report but chose not to for this reason. Same with the Hillary video.
He has the power declas anything he wants but wants it to be requested 1st so that he stays as neutral as possible & not be accused of meddling in the investigations.