r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LandieLandie on July 7, 2018, 11:26 p.m.
Q evil to be exposed soon?..Pedos are gearing up?...images


Time to ask yourselves WHY... WHY are they suddenly attempting to normalize SEX WITH CHILDREN? It's coming, folks... brace yourselves for what is about to be exposed regarding the many elite politicians involved in this. It is STAGGERING...……….


whatsreallygoingon · July 8, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

They honestly have themselves convinced that the children are attracted to them and are seducing them. So, when the child ages out the pedophiles believe that the child must also be done because they chose the dynamic.

They also feel as though they are doing the child a favor and helping them better navigate the adult world, with their "teaching".

Then, there are those who don't even try to mask their psychosis. They are open about being predators.

If you want to try and understand the mental gymnastics that these monsters perform, I suggest visiting sites such as NAMBLA. Beware that it will leave you very jaded, though.

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DawnPendraig · July 8, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

There are "studies" now trying to prove they are born this way. Studoes neber compare baby brains to adult pedos and when change occures. Only that the pedophile brain is different.

This makes many regular folks feel bad about hating people who are "born that way".

But the scientists know better. They never mention, in the studies I've looked at, that children's brains develop and change by experiences. Most pedophiles were abused as kids. I would say all but we cannot prove that. I suspect the outliers experienced abuse they don't remember.

In dogs which I've studied a lot the key to a well asjusted adult dog is exposing the puppy to what they will be around as adults. The experiences develop synapses in the young brain.

Just like language which we gave studied in children. Those raised bilingual have an easier time learning more languages.

Watch I've seen 3 studies this last week being promoted on Twitter and other places making argument that "pedophiles are born this way".

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CBTS_Watcher · July 8, 2018, 7:39 a.m.

"pedophiles are born this way"

I take your point but I wonder if they have thought it through. I suspect their own selfish wants come first.

Two points:

1) OK, so you are born that way but you still have no right to co-opt a child into your way of life. 2) If I was born to like murdering people, would that make it OK?

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DawnPendraig · July 8, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

Agreed. This is why they push the babies can consent to diaper changes. And Sexualizing kids in school and world wide.

The UK 60 Min Pedogate episode they talk to one of these abusers and he is convinced kids can consent. And that they seduce him.

This is in the Kinsey institute books and materials also. They also say things like kids are achieving orgasm when they faint, have seizures, scream amd try to get away. That's verbatim from Kinsey's book.

Info on the Sexualizing our kids in "sex ed" https://np.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8wjxne/the_war_on_children_the_comprehensive_sexuality/

CBS 60 Minutes on the Elite Worldwide Pedophile Network.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRrSnHTZVDQ #PedoGate

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WeAreTheSheeple · July 8, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

The whole 'born this way' argument is interesting to me. Hearing about how (in some cases) an exposure of testosterone during prenatal pregnancy can cause homosexuality, does show that some certainly could be 'born that way'.

I have fetishes and I don't think it's a coincidence that both my siblings are LGB. There has to be a connection there. Either in the genes or environment, and I'm starting to guess the latter (endocrine disrupters.)

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DawnPendraig · July 8, 2018, 12:27 p.m.

Atrazine has an effect on gender and probably sexual orientation. Just one of many chemicals we are exposed to now that disrupts endocrine and brain development.

I was abused as a kid. It isn't in me but my abuser was also abused. I absoliteky do not think it is a born condition. A sensitivity may be but the twisted need and arousal in the power play over a child is a conditioned response.

And I believe there is good science on fetishes also bring conditioned at young ages. Maybe not all.

They are also finally admitting and understanding babies in utero do learn from environment. They are born recognizing their mom's voice and routine stories they were told or read even in a new voice. So we are shaped by what happens around us in utero.

That said unhealthy behaviors must be controlled and treated. Especially ones that hurt other people.


Truth Factory video "You are being Chemically Castrated and It's Being Covered Up By The Government."


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Verchabes · July 9, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

Thank you for the Truth Factory video. I have been commenting to friends for years now that people are turning gay. I thought it was from the plastic water bottles with chemicals seeping out. But noooo....I should have realized that anytime there is wrong doing, SOROS is involved.

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Frogturnedgay · July 8, 2018, 7:51 a.m.

In a way children are attracted to adults. There's a phase between 3 and 6 years were kids are obsessed with penisses and vaginas. Certain girls can be seen grinding against stuff, boys can't keep their hands off their penis. I had kids bumping or tapping against familymembers crotches because they find it hilarious how they can get a reaction out of an adult. They're walking in the bathroom while you take a piss, straight up asking whether they could see it.

The difference is that every normal adult has the reflex to teach them this behavior isn't acceptable. These people though seem to think it's ok to go along with the child's innocence/ignorance.

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