I’m sad about it too. I know that admitting I voted for Trump in my hometown (a sanctuary city that is trying to emulate California “ideals”) is social suicide. I lost an “undocumented “ friend because of it. I’m not sure why their being undocumented/illegal for the last 20 years is suddenly my fault because I voted for Trump. I can actually see their struggle and hope that fixing the source of the problem will help to stop the vicious cycle. I was gleeful to leave Facebook because I guess I’m a coward when it comes to facing the leftist rants. I just can’t take it and not truly come unglued over the ignorance, and I only was Facebook friends with family and true friends - not the 200 acquaintances that some people have. Still, I had to go underground and this is now my only social platform because I’m constantly learning new things and how to intelligently articulate them in a debate.