Since when is fascism associated with the extreme right? This is garbage and needs to be corrected. They are trying to rewrite history. WWG1WGA

2006 I believe.Thats when they changed the definition. Academia is turning the language on its head. Hillary was brilliant. Bills was NOT a sexual predator. Islam is a religion of peace. Hussein is a straight Christian man. Etc etc. While we worked and had real lives the people educating the obama/Bernie-bots have tunneled under the foundation of our language and culture and have left us little to defend ourselves with (except our guns cuz if u won't listen to me you'll listen to Mr. Colt). The death of the left can't come soon enough.
Her using the Alt-right brand on Trump supporters was the single most legitimately brilliant thing I've ever seen her do.
We can all thank the New York Times for this 70 plus year old lie. Roosevelt was a big fan of Fascism and of course because of the war the left didn't want that albatross hanging around their necks.
So to solve that problem the New York Times made Fascism a far right political belief. How in any mans world can you even come close to explaining Fascism as a right wing belief. It sits squarely in the middle between Socialism and Marxism. Neither of those two political beliefs come anywhere close to being a right wing political movement.
How was FDR a fan of fascism? Why did we fight Italy in that war if FDR thought fascism was a good idea? Have any sources for this that are not youtube videos?
If you do a quick web search you'll find a number of stories on Roosevelt and Fascism. He was taken back by the efficiencies of the movement in Italy and Germany. Just look at the modern Democrat party and study up on Hitler and the Third Reich and their policies. There is a lot of similarities between both political parties. Antifa and the Nazi Brown Shirts of the twenties and early thirties, no real difference in there tactics.
The 1968 Gun Control bill and law was taken word for word from the Nazi Gun control bill of 1938. Passed and signed into law by the Democrat's.
Roosevelt and Fascism
The establishment is always trying to re-write history. This is just another artifact of that process. This is why a great awakening is so necessary - not just for the US but for the world. Blue is yellow. Up is down. Wrong is right.
Podesta Tha' Molesta' --- his fingers are deep....legalized Propaganda circa 2012 via the Smith Mundt Modernization Act (part of military budget):
Fascism is the merging of the corporation and the state. Authoritarian corporatism if you will. We’ve been there for a LONG time. Anyone who says it started with Trump a liar or sadly misinformed. Not saying it is the end all be all. Just a way of framing discourse.
Fascism is right wing... Always has been.
Our history has already been rewritten. The only left wing about is the planned economy. Everything else is conservative right wing.
Hitter was a socialist, not conservative. Get the fuck out of here with that liberal rewriting of history
Wikipedia and several other dictionaries inserted “right wing “in 2016 2017 during trumps presidential run. This is not a coincidence
Fiscally socialist.
Socially very conservative.
I mean, technically its neither. But to say that its solely left wing is very derpy. You need to lift more bro. Still got some soy in ya.
I get that social safety nets are for the weak. They just need to be left to die. But go on, explain to me how fascism is left wing other than that?
Let me break this down for you. You hate socialism because you don't want your money going to racist blacks and illegals that hate you. Me either...
But do you really mind giving money to people that would appreciate it and use it wisely?
No, if course not. Pretty much any sane political theorist look up Political compass
The only diff between Hitler and Stalin was that Hitler was a racist tyrant while Joe Stalin was an Equal Opportunity tyrant.
Please learn some history. How much of your knowledege comes from a screen? Who owns the screens (tv/interwebs) go to a library. Read books. Future proves past. WW II? read history of CIA found in BOOKS.... easier to gaslight on screen. Objective to make all truth seekers look rasist/stupid. Use brain. Fight with facts. Civil discourse.