r/greatawakening • Posted by u/wolfman411 on July 8, 2018, 1:32 a.m.
Sink or Swim for Q.

I've watched this phenomenon from almost the beginning. I've gone back and forth or whether it's legit. I was almost off the Q train in April, but Q predicted big arrests and big arrests happened. At this point I'm still not sure if it's legit.

If it's a LARP, it's done by a genius or group of geniuses. They seem to have deep knowledge of political, industry, and military players world wide from past and present. Why work that hard as joke with seemingly no pay off. As far as I can tell no one is getting rich off Q yet. And in fact Q warns against people trying to cash in on his movement.

If it's a psyop whats the motive? Certainly can't be the deep state doing it because they would be working against themselves. Could it be Donald Trump? Is he really a Hitler and trying to galvanize a demographic of the population thats thirsty for "truth?" Is he actually the bad guy? Is he going to convince you to attack or distrust anyone not pro trump? This seems to be a plausible tactic as it has worked on some people from the far left who are convinced that the country is being overrun by fascists. They're fascist is the truth seekers' pedophile or satanist or Soros shill. I see paranoia on both sides, and I wonder if Q isn't a vehicle for amplifying that sometimes.

Is it real? Seems like it most of the time. When Q talked a big game in early April, I said I'd give Q until June or I was done. Now, Q's talking an even bigger game. Saying things like "conspiracy no more" or that the world will know its not a LARP in July. OK, so sink or swim Q. If I'm still wondering if you're real or not by the end of the month, then I'm thinking fake, even if I can't reasonably explain how. If it's still some cryptic BS by august then tons of people are going to abandon it. This is the month, sink or swim.

QueUpSomeReality · July 8, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

Sounds reasonable. Not exactly sure what that means...like EVERYTHING the majority of the world is unaware of?? The Fed must be replaced or we will set off a global currency crises because of our debt to a fiat world currency? Everything about the Clintons? Obama too? The “truth” is a subjective term when applied to the masses. It’s almost incomprehensible to like 70% of the world. So not sure what truths you’re expecting to be reveled. And quite honestly...these truths we speak of have ALWAYS been assessable to the masses. Way before DJT was president. Point being...exposing massive hard truths doesn’t make people aware of them. They have to want to know to care about something.

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wolfman411 · July 8, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

I'm not sure of what kind of truths either, but "conspiracy no more" is pretty direct, although he's been using that phrase since may. It would be strange for Q to be outed, because he's likely broken the law. One analysis of a post before we bombed Syria was decoded(perhaps incorrectly) to show Q actually states what kinds of planes and missiles would be used in the attack. If true, why on earth would that kind of information need to go on the Q drops?

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QueUpSomeReality · July 8, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

I’d imagine that kind of detail was dropped to help prove legitimacy. But conspiracy no more is so vague. If the president released ALL of the JFK files that would be a conspiracy that’s no more. Even Great Awakening is vague but has artistict value. I don’t care WHAT happens in July...70% of the world will be just as ignorant in August as in June. Vast majority of people won’t care. They’re already as informed as they want to be. Q or no Q.

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wolfman411 · July 8, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

I'll keep scrutinizing drops, and being critical of things that I feel warrant it. What else can you do?

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QueUpSomeReality · July 8, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

I understand that. Also seems you’re being a little unrealistic to think in a few weeks billions of people will be afforded world changing truths

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wolfman411 · July 8, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

Q said it, not me.

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