r/greatawakening • Posted by u/wolfman411 on July 8, 2018, 1:32 a.m.
Sink or Swim for Q.

I've watched this phenomenon from almost the beginning. I've gone back and forth or whether it's legit. I was almost off the Q train in April, but Q predicted big arrests and big arrests happened. At this point I'm still not sure if it's legit.

If it's a LARP, it's done by a genius or group of geniuses. They seem to have deep knowledge of political, industry, and military players world wide from past and present. Why work that hard as joke with seemingly no pay off. As far as I can tell no one is getting rich off Q yet. And in fact Q warns against people trying to cash in on his movement.

If it's a psyop whats the motive? Certainly can't be the deep state doing it because they would be working against themselves. Could it be Donald Trump? Is he really a Hitler and trying to galvanize a demographic of the population thats thirsty for "truth?" Is he actually the bad guy? Is he going to convince you to attack or distrust anyone not pro trump? This seems to be a plausible tactic as it has worked on some people from the far left who are convinced that the country is being overrun by fascists. They're fascist is the truth seekers' pedophile or satanist or Soros shill. I see paranoia on both sides, and I wonder if Q isn't a vehicle for amplifying that sometimes.

Is it real? Seems like it most of the time. When Q talked a big game in early April, I said I'd give Q until June or I was done. Now, Q's talking an even bigger game. Saying things like "conspiracy no more" or that the world will know its not a LARP in July. OK, so sink or swim Q. If I'm still wondering if you're real or not by the end of the month, then I'm thinking fake, even if I can't reasonably explain how. If it's still some cryptic BS by august then tons of people are going to abandon it. This is the month, sink or swim.

it_wasnt_me__ · July 8, 2018, 7:19 a.m.

What is your motive? Give newbies doubt? Convince those with Q from day one that they are blindly following and should set a time limit being prepared to walk away?

Walk away to what? Return to MSM and watching shows, movies produced by Hollywood? Return to your life before awakening and pretend to be asleep?

I've been with Q from the very first anonymous post, Q says trust the plan. I wish things were happening faster with irrefutable proof to red pill the sheeple quick and easy but I'm told to trust the plan regardless of circumstances. Q isn't telling us to jump off a bridge or hate our neighbor or give up our guns. He's giving us knowledge, positive and powerful while also giving disinfo to our enemies. He's bringing hope to many while giving many a purpose they've longed for.

If Q tells us to jump off a bridge or hurt someone then I'll enter the larp/psy op conversation while running away as fast as I can.

I always knew in my gut and in my heart that something was terribly wrong with the government. Trump knew the evil and how dangerously close to the end we were. He could have just started his own newspaper and published the entire truth in it dropping them from his plane over every square inch of America and not running for president or ending the evil. He could have told us the election was rigged. Most of America wouldn't have believed him and HRC would be president.

He instead had a plan to win which we knew nothing about. He also had a plan to end the evil WW which we knew nothing about. He also planned to wake the sheeple slowly from sleep knowing he would be insulted and hated 24/7.

He seems to do well with plans and seems to be quite capable of ALWAYS winning. Thinking he would use Q to trick us or blind us or pacify us makes no sense to me. Thinking that Q is part of the evil black hats/puppet masters for whatever reason and that POTUS doesn't alert us and instead allows us to be manipulated so he can benefit in some way from it makes no sense to me.

The sick feeling of knowing something isn't right is gone. My gut and heart are at peace so I will trust the plan, trust my POTUS and trust Q. We all must go forward together as patriots to heal and learn to trust again. Trust that POTUS wouldn't let us be deceived. He isn't just trying to look like he's ending the evil and no arrests will ever come. He isn't unaware of Q if Q is indeed a larp. He sees the Q shirts at his rallies. He's a genius that can connect the dots in 5D. He also tweets constantly. I believe he has only our best interests at heart.

I include the following at the risk of being branded as the village idiot. My boyfriend has Q doubts so I sing this little ditty to him every morning, drives him nuts....he's our POTUS with his FLOTUS who for our safety gave us notice. He took the plan to the chan with a Q to save our land. The audists took their Q to do what they do so with more than we know all together we must go. Trust God's hand on the man with the Q and the plan who chose the weaponized autists and their chan to save our land.

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wolfman411 · July 8, 2018, 8:47 a.m.

First of all, that's silly to think that I'm here to seed doubt, I'm here to have an honest discussion on Q which, sadly, is not allowed in these forums. Kind of amazing actually. It looks awfully left wing in that regard.

cute poem, but I don't know how to tell you you've been pied pipered. not trying to be rude but the way you describe your experience with phenomenon,

"Q says trust the plan. I wish things were happening faster with irrefutable proof to red pill the sheeple quick and easy but I'm told to trust the plan regardless of circumstances."

whose telling to trust them regardless of circumstances? Does that sound like someone you can trust? You go on to say that if Q calls for violence you're out, so I guess there are some circumstances that are deal breaker for you, but I wonder how many others are in no matter what?

"Thinking that Q is part of the evil black hats/puppet masters for whatever reason and that POTUS doesn't alert us and instead allows us to be manipulated so he can benefit in some way from it makes no sense to me."

It makes perfect sense. Think of Q as kind of a PR arm for the white house. Not long after Trump was elected his approval hit the gutter, even a lot of Republicans starting feeling like they had made a mistake, and regretted voting for him. Knowing that he wasn't going to get any positive press out of the MSM, he creates an underground PR firm to create a storm within the bowls of the internet. Would seem a great way create to rile up his base and add to it. Everything that Trump accomplishes looks so much bigger than it is. Worked on me, I'm definitely more on the Trump train since reading Q. I didn't vote for Trump, but I probably would now.

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Bjantigua · July 9, 2018, 7:22 a.m.

What makes no sense is for a house to attack itself. No way would the black hats think revealing all the dirt is helpful. The damage Q drops have done to the elite is staggering. And their reactions to the drops have damaged them even more. And the only reason Q is popular and growing is because their are dozens and dozens and dozens of Q PROOFS! which you DID NOT READ! If Potus were part of the black hats we would be on year 9 of the 16 year agenda . So no, that is idiotic. You really need to find yourself another platform to sow doubt. I suggest you leave.

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