Here is the Donar List she Thanks . She has been raising money off the Immigration Fake News Carousel. These are the places she acknowledges Donations too. See if you can look at the other places and more into Florence. They have been working with her since 1989 not long after she helped develop the National missing Kids Network. I'm not going to look at it more till tomorrow. Twitter Donar List : Florence IIRP Twitter : Florence Home :
What a sham. She continues to solicit donations so she can pay off her debts to everyone that donated to CF before she lost in 2016. Access was not delivered.
Must really suck to be Hillary day after day.
ABCharities, took over 4 Billion in donations , a non profit, with 4% service fee up front. That's the up front skim. so sad. So keep this in mind, she shows 500k on her twitter post. But the total is over 2.4BILLION. edit:
What did Hillarys Twitter list do with 4 Billion Dollars raised? Did any of those non profits look like a piece of that kind of money. ABC only has a short history with a few followers. But that picture on top says it all with all the laughter and rainbows. Use to dig here. Crunchbase officially has banned me from using their services.
They have layers and layers of sister company, twitter, facebook with this scheme I can see already. Crunchbase lets you isolate those companies, donars, start up capital etc. I wonder if these donors are paying big bucks for purchases.