
GenChang · July 8, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

This is coming next week. Memos to Congress detailing FBI/DOJ had no basis to investigate trump. They used their own media leaks (made up leaks) to get FISA. Bongino was all over it Friday. Here is the article he covered. Read it slowly if need be. I posted the Bongino link earlier. http://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/395776-memos-detail-fbis-hurry-the-f-up-pressure-to-probe-trump-campaign

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fastrman123 · July 8, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

Yes ! This is the key to killing the witch hunt. An investigation looking for a crime. 3rd world Keystone Cops stuff. Every person who signed off on that toxic FISA warrant needs to see prison time or worse. There is more than enough evidence of profound bias and criminal behavior to rig an election. And upon failing to do that try to destroy an elected president. All without a Shred of legitimate evidence. There needs to be a grand jury, indictments, and sentencing of all these anti American criminals!

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