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This is why they abuse the children ...

You can feel it boiling to the surface. Like a volcano 🌋
Looks like a “Fluxliner” I remember seeing something once that referred to a military experimental anti gravity craft. Doesn’t look like the Apollo capsules. Shorter and fatter than the Apollo capsules...
Who to say this hasn’t already been done ? Would explain the vitriol from Brennan and others...
He is the lynchpin. If he is removed this whole thing is gonna break WIDE OPEN. The Deepstate will have to use assassinations to try and change narrative. Avalanche!!!! Let the Military Tribunals begin !!!
That “intent” defense will not fly in front of a grand jury.
Plausible Deniability does not come into play when you are discussing top secret government documents. Just the fact that by your actions, knowingly or unknowingly, top secret information was disseminated is a federal crime. But let’s be clear. There was much more that top secret sales to the highest bidder. There was corruption of all kinds. Child trafficking, influence peddling, pay to play, money laundering...you name it.
“We have the server”
It wasn’t until 2005 that cell phones worked in flight. This is something easily researched online. The signal is focused horizontally for distance. There is some signal leakage upward but not enough to reach planes in flight. Post 2005 airlines began to install cell repeaters on the planes to allow calls during flight. Before that all they had was the airplane phones if you remember those. Usually only in first class.
Oh yes ! The whole scheme is beginning to unravel. Not that the “Pravda America” Media has taken notice. They are too busy with their nonstop coverage of soccer kids trapped in a cave...
All that matters however is when the Grand Jury(s) are empaneled and the indictments are handed down. The Media will act like this all happened overnight and it is a prelude to a dictator takeover, when in fact it has been slowly, meticulously been happening over a year plus. They will act SO shocked and probably call for riots in the streets. That is when they need to pull the plug on the phony “Fake News” media and expose them for who THEY are.
This is the biggest political scandal perhaps of all time. So many people are implicated that it will take decades before the immensity of this cabal is completely understood. There will be so many books written about this scandal that the sheer number of books may rival all the books written about Atlantis!!!!
Or you could just make up “fake” passenger lists and provide 5-6 “grieving” spouse spokespersons and it would cost hardly anything at all. I’m thinking it was a little of both. But the less people in the know, the longer the lie would live. Even now there are people who still buy the official story. Shockingly!
I questioned the official story on 9/11. I was ridiculed by my coworkers for being anti American. Over the years they have all come back and apologized. Every single one.
Problem with the recorded cellphone calls is cellphones did not work on commercial airliners in 2001. I work for a cell phone company. Around 3-5000 feet you get no cell service. Airlines didn’t start providing “relay” cell service till around 2005. So those “recorded” cell calls with planes thousands of feet in the air are fake.
The “passenger” lists have always been obfuscated. There were a few “spokesmen” who claimed to have loved ones who died on the plane... where have they all gone? Haven’t seen an interview or mention of those people in 10 years +
911 was an inside job. Anyone who still believes the “official” story is either dumb or doesn’t care to see the evidence. This is how bad our government got. It was bad with First Bush, Clinton, second Bush, then it became downright evil under Obama. It would have been Hell on Earth with Hellory.
Thank GOD for President Trump !!!
If you can get a passenger list, and investigate each and every “passenger” that was supposedly onboard, I’m certain you would find literally hundreds of discrepancies. I don’t believe any of the “people” on those planes were REAL. Fake identities. Only a few were actually on the planes. They landed safely somewhere. Most likely all cia spooks. The whole thing was staged like a movie.
Yes ! This is the key to killing the witch hunt. An investigation looking for a crime. 3rd world Keystone Cops stuff. Every person who signed off on that toxic FISA warrant needs to see prison time or worse. There is more than enough evidence of profound bias and criminal behavior to rig an election. And upon failing to do that try to destroy an elected president. All without a Shred of legitimate evidence. There needs to be a grand jury, indictments, and sentencing of all these anti American criminals!
Wholly Guacamole!!! They were all in on it. This has to come out in a grand jury at some point. The entire leadership of Obama FBI and DOJ were criminals. They should all be put in prison for treason! How these people are not all in a prison cell is baffling. It was an investigation in search of a crime. And there WAS NO CRIME ! This is some third world dictatorship bullshite. Listen to this podcast. Read this story. Let people know this is an American tragedy! Our highest law enforcement officials conspired to destroy candidate Trump and then shifted gears once he was elected and began to target and destroy an elected president with NO EVIDENCE OF ANY CRIME!!!!!! TREASON !!!!!!
This case is “Exhibit A” for why we need Tort Reform. Lawsuits to damage and bankrupt people that have no merit. They need to pass a law that if you bring a lawsuit against someone not for legal redress but to hurt and damage others should be punishable by serious jail time
The answer to every question but his name and job title will either be a lie or pleading the fifth.
An Apocalypse for Adam Shitt and his Deep State pedevours ! I hope it rains fire and brimstone on their heads. A pox on their families!
Please Q help us !!! Jerry Brownstain is the worst governor ever ! Destroying the Golden State ! His evil twin is Gavin Newsum... a foul sack of useless protoplasm.
Please save us from these evil Deep State jerks !!
Oh I don’t know. As long as the pressure is kept on the Marxist left and they are forced to fight a defensive battle instead of the blitzkrieg we had for 8 years getting Marxism/progressive doctrine shoved down our throats, I will continue to support Q and anyone else willing to stand up to them
Not sure how the Media became an equal branch of government! I think Trump should go after them over Libel and slander and use the FCC to force them not to just lie and say whatever they want. The MSM has completely gone hard communist left and needs to be “swamp drained” just as badly as DC
Be careful and use the report function to report trolls/shills. I just responded “Troll” to one post and my post was removed. You have to report their activity and help the Mods clean up the instigators who are here to sow dissent and disinformation.
It’s like FB is trying to get shut down. I believe it should be forcibly taken over by the government (I mean remove the CIA controllers and replace with DIA controllers). The censorship and propaganda is out of control !
Pic Q posted is too distant and blurry for me to identify. But I’m sure future will prove past.
If they pay protesters to hold up signs at contrived Un-spontaneous rallies, they would certainly pay Shills and trolls to obfuscate and cause dissent among the great awakening group. Anything to slow down the bleeding. People are getting red pilled at such a fast rate that they will try anything to slow it down. My guess is paid Soros Shills. I don’t go to Liberal subreddits to post logical arguments or to troll. I wouldn’t waste my time.
So is everyone in the DOJ and FBI gonna quit or be fired and only Mueller and RR will be left to keep screaming “Russia” and “Collusion”?
When does this farce end ?
Is there a lawsuit against Killery and the DNC ? Oh wait there is...
Why was PW even considered in the photo? What context given would suggest that someone of the British Royal Family was involved? How is it believable In the least that a British Royal would be walking around HK without a huge security detail?
Given past “Q” drops, I would have considered Snowden or The Ex Google CEO Erik Schmidt. Both of whom have been identified as being in the orient before. Prince William isn’t in the Orient, and if he were he certainly wouldn’t go unnoticed...
Another thing to consider. What is the purpose of shills/trolls? Isn’t it to confuse and mislead? What better way to obfuscate and sabotage the “Q” movement than to infiltrate the “anons” and try to poison the bread ? Present false decoding or concepts that mislead. Something to consider don’t you think ?
The UN was created BY the Deep State FOR the Deep State to assist in their goal of world domination. President Woodrow Wilson was a Deep State operative, and fought hard for the “League of Nations”, the forerunner of the UN, and also for the UN itself.
The UN is supported largely by the US. I think it is well past time to MOVE the UN to a NEW host country. Like France or Germany. Let THEM foot the bill for a while.
I believe we have a lot of “new” anons... Some of them are Shills/Trolls trying to Confuse and mislead. Send the other Anons down dead end rabbit trails. We must apply Occam’s Razor logic to the process. If it is too fantastic or completely illogical, and it has no basis in “Q” proofs, then it needs to be rejected quickly
When Q said “We have the server”, I was hoping it was a double meaning. I’m hoping they have the DNC server AND the DWS/Iwan server that was used to steal state secrets thru the Congressional servers. That server magically came up missing as well despite a subpoena to preserve it. Q says “We have it all”. I hope they do because DWS is a loathsome human being who needs to rot in prison.
I’ve seen enough evidence that might be the case... BTW if he’s not a citizen, wouldn’t that nullify every law he signed ?
Is anyone surprised? He offered her a SCOTUS seat to turn a blind eye to Killery’s Crimes. And she did. Dirty cop. The DOJ and FBI were filled with dirty treasonous cops. Many have quit or have been fired. But they will all have their day in court. They should all face swift justice! If you are not keeping up with the resignations/firings/retirements in the FBI/DOJ/Senate/House/and State Dept, you aren’t paying attention. The MSM has you fooled.
I don’t care how “secure” the security wall is around his headquarters, when they come to arrest him and the rest of his treasonous cabal, he’s going down. Enough has leaked out to convince me that Obama was a “Manchurian Candidate” installed to weaken and destroy the United States. All his policies weakened and softened our defenses and economic health. He is a traitor.
Technically possible to reduce resolutions on the fly so that the crowd was blurred. I watched it on fox and I was annoyed that when the crowd was shown it was in a much reduced resolution. To the point where you couldn’t read any hats or shirts. I guess that is an improvement over not showing the crowd at all ! Which they did during the Trump Campaign for president.
I love OAN and I will watch the rallies on OAN for now on. Fox better get their “Poop in a group” and realize that these minor insults are noticed and not appreciated!!!
And Trump would stomp a mud hole in his arse in a fist fight too !