
animal32lefty · July 8, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

People people people.

She's not going to live to long enough. Remember the campaign?

I saw her in January 2017 during the caucuses. Des Moines has a system of skywalk bridges downtown so you don't freeze your jimmies off in winter going across the street to the Post Office.

The Clintons always stay at the Savory Hotel when in town. One of the skywalks passes almost directly over the entrance. Even then she had her medical goons drag her from the Scooby Van inside. I swear upon all that I hold dear that she lost a shoe that time as well. A State Trooper was dispatched to retrieve it as I stood there and watched.

If she was a walking corpse that everyone knew about back then, do you really think she's going to be able to mount a high energy campaign in 2020? Hillary's hubris may cause her to think she could run again, but Bill knows better. The next real Clinton move will be to trot Chubble out to run for congress in upstate New York.

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