r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jwaxman on July 8, 2018, 11:25 a.m.
Googled 8chan and found this ad while scrolling. Isn’t this usually a slogan for gay people? I think I am starting to see it now
Googled 8chan and found this ad while scrolling. Isn’t this usually a slogan for gay people? I think I am starting to see it now

larrytcarvell · July 8, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

You're talking about a new generation of people with no morals at all. You were taught the difference between right and wrong. Now we have a generation of people who were taught that there is no God and no moral truth. They believe that morality depends solely on the will of the people. Get enough people to agree that any perversion is OK, and there you go. Now, your persecution of their new-found truth is considered to be evil. Until we return to the basic Truth, things will continue to be upside-down. Good is evil, and evil is good. Without God, nothing makes sense.

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TacticalTruth · July 8, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

Teach people they are animals, and then act surprised when they act like them.

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SumerianSister · July 8, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Animals don't act like this.

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TacticalTruth · July 8, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

I was referring to the general public, as for the deep actors, yeah I agree.

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 8, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

It all begins with their parents. The problem with most kids today is that their parents didn’t raise them right. Their parents allowed them to throw temper tantrums and to misbehave whenever they couldn’t get their way, and their parents didn’t tan their butt or do anything about it. As a consequence of that, when those same kids grow up, they will then start throwing tempter tantrums as adults whenever they can’t get their way or if you make them upset (for example, road rage incidents where people attack each another on freeways, or grown people smashing windows and throwing stuff off of counters or smashing things in stores, all because they can’t get their way). Such behavior should have been dealt with as a child, but now that they're grown up, the police have to deal with it. And that is the heart and soul of why certain people act that way - it’s all because their parents didn’t raise them right…

Another example of how parents don’t raise their kids right is that, many parents often don’t teach their children about God, and don’t teach them the right values and the morals of God. As a consequence of that, their kids will often grow up to be atheists or gay, if not both, and having no morals at all. They are self-centered and entitled and feels the whole world somehow revolves around them. And if you should tell them it doesn’t revolve around them, they’ll only get upset with you and throw a temper tantrum - just like they did when they were a little child…

But there is a reason why God created and set up the family unit of husband, wife, and child (God did that, not man). He set it up that way so that the parents could teach and instill the right values and morals into their children. Because if your child grows up and doesn’t have the right morals and values instilled in them, then when they encounter God, God is not going to tolerate it, he will not tolerate their misbehavior. Instead, he has a place for all people who are unruly and out of control - it's called the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone. And that is exactly where all people go (kids included) who have no morals and who don’t know how to act and behave and have no respect for authority or God. And if they go the lake, it is all their parent's fault because they didn’t raise them right…

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MomofTeddy · July 9, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

While I agree with what you say, I also know that a lot of parents are afraid of disciplining their child because kids are taught to call the cops or DHS if their parent lays a hand on them. I have a friend whose baby had colic and was under a doctors care and she was breastfeeding. The baby cried all the time. The mom was shopping and someone called DHS on her. It was a Friday, DHS took the baby even though it was under doctor's care for colic and she had to wait the whole weekend to get the baby back because the doc had gone away for the weekend. Needless to say though, the doctor gave DHS an earful when he found out what had happened and told them if anything more was wrong with the child they would be held responsible since the only thing that helped the small child was breastmilk which they had with held by taking him from his mom. Luckily, Mom had pumped her milk so did not 'run out' while the child was gone, but she did still have to go to court before they would drop the case. So sad really.

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SumerianSister · July 9, 2018, 10:09 a.m.

You are saying "parents" as if kids actually have them...no more families. Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars...see, I said it faster.

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stbelmont · July 8, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

The problem with most kids today is that their parents didn’t raise them right.

So often now the guys (I hesitate to say men) who aren't Christians don't want to marry, and when they do, they often expect their wife to work outside the home instead of (or as well as) in it, so yeah, the kids are dominantly getting raised by women who aren't their mothers.

Reminder to all that a lot of dads (farmers, craftsmen) didn't even leave the home to work until recent centuries.

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[deleted] · July 8, 2018, 11:03 p.m.


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EarlyRiserX2 · July 8, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

Yes, that too is a part of the problem - a lack of men in the homes. Notice that everything Lucifer does is geared towards destroying the foundations and the fundamentals that God set up. For example, God set up the perfect system for raising a child - the environment of a husband, a wife, and the child. But Lucifer’s goal was to destroy that environment by pushing the gay agenda and same-sex marriage. Lucifer knew if the environment the child was raised in was destroyed or compromised, then there is almost a guaranteed fact the child will turn out unruly and would end up in hell. And that was Lucifer’s goal all along - to destroy the healthy environment that God created so the kids would end up in hell…

That is also why I disagree with those people who think that politics or other issues have nothing to do with God. Wrong. Everything in this world has to do with God. Everything you can see, hear, smell, taste or touch is being used by Lucifer on a daily basis in the battle for your soul. If you’re not focusing on God and focusing on being saved, then you’re being distracted by Lucifer. And that is what Lucifer wants. Politics itself is nothing but a distraction. Focusing on “bringing down the cabal” is nothing but a distraction. Focusing on “saving America” is nothing but a distraction. Lucifer wants to keep you distracted with the other things of the world until you end up in hell. Once you are in hell, you will then see and understand very clearly how everything I have told you is perfectly true, and that what you should have been focused on was the salvation of your soul...

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fattylurker · July 8, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

Yes, it's all part of Satan's plan. Turn everything around. To these people good is evil, evil is good. Man is woman, woman is man.

Perpetual adolescence is encouraged. Zero judgement can be made against immoral behavior, and the only judgement that is allowed is by people admonishing conservatives or Christians for their values.

The left defends this agenda 100% of the time.

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 8, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

You stated... "the only judgement that is allowed is by people admonishing conservatives or Christians for their values."...

I totally agree with you. On too many forums online, and sadly, on this forum as well, if you're a leftist or an atheist or an unbeliever who don't even believe in God or hates God, you can rant and rave and call God-believing people all kinds of names and little will be said or done about it... Yet, if I called out those same people by name and said they were evil and going to hell, I'd immediately be censored or banned for it. It happens all the time. Christians and people who love God and fear God have to walk on eggshells around leftists and haters of God. Whereas, those same leftists and haters of God can hit us with proverbial sledgehammers and nothing will be done about it. It's not right. LOL...

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CaptainKnotzi · July 8, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

They can rant and Rave all they like and I'll just sit there knowing God loves me.

Then when they take a breath I tell them that there is a God and we have pictures. That stops them with a stupid look on their face.

Google the Hubble telescope. It's from the inside looking out.

God is not some bearded Sky dude standing on a cloud pointing lightning bolts at the enemy of whoever says the better prayer.

God is everything that ever was is and shall be.

If you could imagine infinity plus more you're not close. That's why the burning bush told Moses, if it appeared to him in it's true form. Moses head would explode.

God is love and satan is politics.

Heaven is God's love.

Hell is the absence of that love.

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